posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 09:04 PM
Scarry as all getout! so many people with the same intrest! and ideas.. how it it possible? ATS! WOW!
Ok here goes. my main interest include manned space programs, the private space industry, asteroid colonies, manned deep space exploration, free
enegry implication(we know most of this technology exist yet strongly suppressed!) electric cars trucks ships and aircraft(bd5 elec.) elec. uav
construction(commercial models not experiments)etc etc. oh yes the zorb (amazing race) LOL
as well as somany other things you have touched on in here some where .. i just have to look.. LOL
id add more but ill start with these basics of me and my interest.
thanks all..........Burnaby
one who knows his enemy knows him self! sun tsu!