Seen a lot of threads today where RP supporters were called a CULT, were called Blind Followers.
Theres a reason for that. It's because once your aware of the BS political system, see all the flaws and the lies, it's impossible to go back.
Impossible to follow a cookie cutter candidate , who will say anything to the demographic he,s speaking too. Then when elected will forget any
promises , and it will be business as usual. Ron Paul is saying so many things that are against the ebb and flow of Washington, that they, are scared
of him.
I used to think Joe was just some tool shill from Fear Factor or UFC but since the beginning of 2011 I have thought otherwise. I have seen him talking
about stuff that we talk about in person and on this site and he actually has his own thoughts and beliefs and I respect him for putting them out
This isn't the first video I have seen him talking about Ron Paul in and I always like what he has to say.
I would love to share a doobie with Joe Rogan
edit on 13-1-2012 by Canned2na because: (no reason given)