posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 09:24 PM
I know this is just one small example of a much larger problem, but it is absolutely sickening what the MSM is doing to poor Dr. Paul
The worst part about it is how obvious they are with their bias. I can't understand how people aren't rioting on a large scale yet to be honest.
Take a look at Santorum in Iowa, he was polling SO LOW before the MSM started pushing him, fast forward two weeks and he wins the vote.
Can you ever imagine what would happen if the media started pushing Ron Paul, or even gave him somewhat fair coverage? Obviously it wont happen but he
would win by a LANDSLIDE and I dont think anyone could even argue that.
They say Ron Paul supporters are all conspiracy nuts and kooks. But honestly there is no way for a logical person to deny this media bias right now.
The media is 100% with no doubt in my mind stealing this election from Ron Paul and giving it to Romney.
Sure this could be a coincidence but not when you factor it in with the thousands of examples of similar situations involving the MSM
Go Ron Go!
edit on 13-1-2012 by Mindcrime30 because: grammar