Lately I've seen a lot of people posting about feelings people are having about things like energy shifts and there was one thread in particular that
I found fascinating the other day where people kept talking about seeing things often in their peripherals when there isn't actually anything there
but I couldn't find it again...anyway I have a theory that combines many other things I've seen and have theorized on.
First of all the op of the thread I mentioned earlier said he usually can communicate with the other side and such but that lately he/she had
difficulty doing so. Based on various websites and documentaries and even somewhat based on my own experiences I have come to determine that the
spiritual realm and our link to it is controlled by our pineal gland. If there is such thing as a "spiritual organ" then it is this gland found at the
top of the spine in the middle of the brain. Aside from the fact that it's basically an eye in the middle of your head that receives magnetic
information as opposed to light information it is also often referred to as the third eye for another reason. Many people including myself believe it
is the eye in which you can view other dimensions or perhaps spirit realms.
Now the pineal gland can be effected by three things that I know of but it can probably be effected by is effected significantly by high
levels of magnetism, by psychedelics, and by incredible study and meditation.
There are other things that effect the pineal gland but most of them aren't good. Fluoride is known to calcify the pineal gland making it less useful
in general. Actually, there are ways to help prevent that by taking vitamin K2 and B12. Moving on though, significant scientific documentation has
shown that not only does magnetism significantly effect the pineal gland but that when it does so people are often reported as having spiritual or
otherworldly experiences. One well known example is the so called "
God Helmet".
I have some other sources to back up this theory.
Jump Starting the pineal gland with magnets
The pineal gland, magnetism, and B12
Ok, so you might be asking yourself. What's this all this have to do with the "sensitives" feeling odd lately.
Here's where I started really believing what I had already suspected. Lately a lot of birds have been dieing in mass and while there are many theories
as to why I believed that since it was a migratory season for many birds and I suspected birds somehow used magnetism that perhaps the reason they
were dieing is because they were thrown off course somehow by their internal compass.
I found what I considered confirmation of my suspicions here on ATS:
I think China has
figured out why birds are dieing.
If that is the case then I suspect that both issues are caused by the same thing. I believe whatever is effecting the birds is also effecting many
peoples pineal gland in a variety of ways depending on many factors. (specifically location) If that's the case then the only viable culprit is strong
changes in earth's magnetic field and while I can't confirm this I highly suspect the two are linked, and while I don't usually find myself believing
a rapid pole shift is going to happen; suddenly I've found that I question that belief as of late. What do you think?
PS. be gentle this is like my second thread ever on ATS.
edit on 13-1-2012 by GrimReaper86 because: (no reason given)
edit on 13-1-2012 by GrimReaper86 because: (no reason
edit on 13-1-2012 by GrimReaper86 because: (no reason given)
edit on 13-1-2012 by GrimReaper86 because: (no
reason given)
edit on 13-1-2012 by GrimReaper86 because: (no reason given)
edit on 13-1-2012 by GrimReaper86 because:
grammar (I typed the original text far too quickly)