Here Is The Card
Apparently they sent a similar one out last year that depicted two foxes roasting a hen over a fire, and two sheep on either side of them looking at
them in fear. This is really just disgusting, the blatant cryptology of this christmas card, which, by the way, was an INTERNAL CHRISTMAS CARD from
Fox sent to all the other mainstream media outlets, along with their own Fox employees. Somebody must have leaked it, but by god, do they really think
we are this stupid? It's sad how many people cannot see the blatant corporate military industrial interests of the mainstream media and how they tote
the new world order talking points.
Hopefully you all will realize it one day, but I beg you to listen to the Alex Jones Show 12pm EST (11am CEN) Mon-Fri, its a 3 hour show, and would do
many of you who are still in your trance good to listen to him a few days a week, he always presents documented evidence and quotes from globalist/NWO
literature, and has facts to back up everything he is saying. You will be shocked at the amount of global atrocity, inside chrony capitalism and
eugenics, and downright crime portrayed around the globe by these mega-elite families and their affiliated businesses and political organizations and
media outlets is going on. I encourage you all to visit, (infowars' little brother), (get a
membership here to get all of Alex's daily shows and nightly news before everyone else, 15 day free trial going on now!) and on a daily basis to get fair media coverage, and to get the news stories the
mainstream-dinosaur presstitute media will not cover, with the exception of perhaps Judge Andrew Napolitano.
Okay I am done ranting, but you will be sorely remiss if you do not do your own research on the new world order, globalism, you can read their own
words/documents and find out the agenda for yourself... And I highly doubt the "Illuminati" is a NWO that is good, and they're fighting the Old World
Order, we have known for some time that the OWO has been looking for a makeover, and they have gotten that in the form of a NWO, through
environmentalism and the banks, and social unrest/steering societies and destroying others. Rockafeller, Rothschild, Warburg, Carnegy, Royal
Family of U.K. and Netherlands etc., and they're more modern relatives have been pushing for the same, one-world government agenda, TO THIS DAY, owned
and operated by the fortune 100 and mega transnational banks. They are signing us onto it as we speak by austerity ie. getting taxpayers globally to
sign onto the $1600+ TRILLION in DERIVATIVES FRAUD DEBT, and they're doing a good job of it too, the Fed a few months ago said it will insure $79
Trillion of Bank of America's derivatives, and it's only going to increase around the world. It has been documented and proven time and time again,
and we are living in a quickening right now, where everything is coming to a head, war is on the horizon and they will use it as a distraction from
the rest of the atrocities that are taking place around the world in the financial system. Please check alternative news outlets out, you will not be
dissappointed, you will be amazed.. I was.
Infowarsedit on 1/12/2012 by smarterthanyou because: