posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:53 PM
Nice post OP! There has been a lot of conjecture and theorizing about ascension. Having read a few books on the subject (Mark Borax, Gregg Braden
etc.) I too feel that the split timeline, or divergence theory is plausible. The idea that the timeline is splitting is actually that, the claim by
some new age spiritualists that the 1987 Harmonic Convergence is indeed leading to a change in vibration and frequency of the planet. This new
vibration, leading to the 5th dimension is accessible by those that are 'tuning in'. I for one feel very optimistic as I can see the benefit and
growth potential for our species if we can split into a timeline that will leave behind war, famine, materialism, consumerism etc. There really is a
way to exist in growth without those things. We need to change our perceptions and desires. Seek out fulfillment through communication, expression,
kindness and love, leave behind the idea that we need to charge for it
Peace and light, I hope this post helps bring confidence and peace to those that read it. That truly is the necessity at this juncture. You need to be
confidant and at peace with yourself that you are ready for change. I think they call it faith ... but I have a difficult time with that word