posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 10:56 PM
If it is still timing out, or if you're getting the yellow exclamation mark and it seems half connected a lot, try going to the search bar, start
menu, type in run "cmd" and then in the black command prompt put in ipconfig, and check to see if your IP is of 192.168.x.x, or what it is normally
like, to your awareness.
If the IP is all large numbers like or 169, or something like that, then chances are that your IP address is having a DNS issue, or that
you have a duplicate IP on the network.
I would time out for this reason, but this issue is also present for a lot of general wireless issues., or, put that into internet explorer, log in with 'admin' for both user and pass, or cusadmin for user and 'admin' for
password, if admin doesn't work try password. If you can get into your settings you can check to see if there are limitations with the connection
Other things you can do, if you have access to the router, is set the channel to 6 if it isn't, 1, 10 and 6 are the most stable and default I
believe. You could also try looking for your wireless adapter's number or serial so you can look for updates or new firmware, or to do a new
installation of the adapter files if you feel comfortable with starting over and setting up a new SSID, password, etc.