posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 08:45 PM
If you look at 2012 objectively and understand economics and markets, you can see that its likely that the can will be able to be kicked down the road
and that the real unwinding will take place in 2012.
The recent actions of the EuroZonians -- the ECB, the individual Euro Zone nations, the banks, the IMF, etc. -- to inject liquidity on a global basis
in concert with other central banks and come up with more concrete plans to assess haircuts for defaulted bonds as well as potentially let Greece out
of the European Union has all messed up the European situation and has alarmed the markets to some degree.
This proves that people wearing their hats as investors and traders are not acting under the belief that the Euro problems have not yet become
unmanageable and they have gotten to the point where they're simply out of control and beyond the Euro-governments' ability to come up with any
workable plan.
In other words, we are to that stage already.