posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 05:55 PM
Hi all,
At around 0510 GMT thismorning i couldn't sleep,whilst tossing and turning i could hear a faint buzz,what i can only describe as a little 2 stroke
engine high in the sky,like as if it was flat out,my GF got woken up to and she could also hear it.The noise was almostlike oscillating... as if it
was circling above....naturally i ran to the window and looked all around but could see nothing in the sky anywhere and the street was dead no one
around,its not like the noise was a passing thing it continued going on for 30 mins atleast but it wasnt like a noise on the ground it sounded high in
the air....sorry no pics but couldnt see anything in the sky,could only hear this noise getting closer,closer,closer then fading away to almost
Anyone ever heard anything similar in the central belt of scotlnd or further afield???