posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 08:15 PM
Just a FYI, the first image in the Open Source Intelligence report is for the TPECR (Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range), not the TECR (Tonopah
Electronic Combat Range). Here is a link to the NTTR (Nellis Test and Training Range) map:
This map used to be on the NGA website, but seems to be gone. It had the rather silly name of plugin-Nevada_Test_Range_Chart.pdf.
You can view the facility on Google Earth at
n37.313749 w116.792642
which is the location posted in the article.
The TECR is run out of R4809B. I suspect the TECR is Site-4, but never found any documentation for this. It also shows up as the Lockheed Martin
building on the TTR website's map.