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ATS members Youtube response to Ron Paul

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posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 11:14 AM
Some of the greatest stirrings in mans heart, are who we believe our leaders should be.
This is some of the Youtube videos that ATS members have posted regarding Dr Ron Paul.
This from Conar. (thank you)

Dr Pual’s interview starts at 1:22. From Quadrivium (Thank you)

And in New Hampshire. From gmacev (thank you)

This from SurrealisticPillow (thank you)

Will Americans wake up?

And from WiZKiD111 (thank you)
The judge begins his interrogatories.

Although this is a very small compilation, of a few of the ATS members contributions, it reminds us of how we can be distracted by the media and blindly follow the two party system.
Please contribute and post your Youtube video here before SOPA becomes law.

Finally, my own addition to this thread.

Violator1 out.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 11:36 AM
watched the whole clip from surreallisticpillow..

great job man - i feel what you say...!

great thread too of course

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Acetradamus
watched the whole clip from surreallisticpillow..
great job man - i feel what you say...!
great thread too of course

Thank you. A picture has a thousand words, but these videos speak volumes.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 12:11 PM
Why this was moved to OFF Topic from 2012 Elections I'll never know.
Perhaps the MSM has infiltrated ATS.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Violater1

offtopic? rly?

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 05:58 PM

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by Acetradamus
reply to post by Violater1

offtopic? rly?

Thank you. I agree as well.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by Violater1

Ummm.......A name, a handle, a title such as a lie. This non-truth is told not to those of us that would populate this is a self study...a reverse psychology mirror. This mirror reflects only facade...
A facade is mask...beneath mask is truth...truth that is in opposition to title or avatar.......Beneath the false front of any the violated..........You chose the antithesis of the image that your avatar/title would convey as "the greatest speech ever"............thus the lie......

You have provided us a unique insight into the person behind the mask...For that I thank you.
As Ron Paul stated in the video you provided and as Judge Andrew Napolitano seconded............What if?

What if we lived where these brave men have imagined.....A world without war as diplomacy, a world where government was lean and populated by the un-corrupt......You have shown us that, that world is where you would long to be.............................Can I live there as well?


posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by YouSir
reply to post by Violater1

Ummm.......A name, a handle, a title such as a lie. This non-truth is told not to those of us that would populate this is a self study...a reverse psychology mirror. This mirror reflects only facade...
A facade is mask...beneath mask is truth...truth that is in opposition to title or avatar.......Beneath the false front of any the violated..........You chose the antithesis of the image that your avatar/title would convey as "the greatest speech ever"............thus the lie......

Not quite sure where your coming from here. But thank you for spelling my call sign correctly.

My time at Maxwell AFB is where I earned this name.
Due to my stature, and my ability to perform (useless in combat) visually spectacular, while acrobatically changeling maneuvers, my fellows gave me this call sign.
The avatar (from what I have gathered) is the only know public photo of the TR-3B.
That's all I have to say about that (in doing so, I hope I haven't violated any ATS T&C's. Mods, please delete if I have).
Back on subject. Due you have an interesting Youtube video of Dr. Paul?

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Violater1

Excellent compilation!

The first vid is amazing. This is one of the biggest reasons I'm so passionate about RP. The man is brilliant!

I don't always agree with Maddow, but I respect her more than any other interviewer. She actually listens and lets the man speak!

The African guy is cool. Gotta love his emotion! I hope he didn't wake up the neighbors making that vid!

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by maddog99
reply to post by Violater1

Excellent compilation!

The first vid is amazing. This is one of the biggest reasons I'm so passionate about RP. The man is brilliant!

I don't always agree with Maddow, but I respect her more than any other interviewer. She actually listens and lets the man speak!

The African guy is cool. Gotta love his emotion! I hope he didn't wake up the neighbors making that vid!

Thank you.
Mr Obama promised to pull out the troops and close GTMO within a few weeks of being elected POTUS.
He had a real change of policy when the SecDef and the JCOS "schooled" him on what was really happening in the world. I think Dr. Paul will receive the same education when in office, therefore, he will change his mind on foreign policy as well.

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