posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 05:30 PM
I have been a member of ATs for a while now and i respect the well diverse communtiy we have. It is this diverse community of members that gives ATS
its strength as a fact finding machine. I as an individual try to enter every topic covered with the motto there is no truth just perspective. While
keeping that motto in mind I can than build up the bigger picture as they say, through the facts that both sides throw into the mix.
ATS offers a great opportunity to the right minded people who utilize ATS as the great tool it is. ATS is a tool for the people of the world and
members should not take it for granted . All our members joined in search of truth that is what unites us fundermentally no matter our differences
beyond that. Implamentation of the internet offered us hope through truth that could not be censored so easily,a global connection to one another
that could not be cut so easily, in short it is feared by an ever inclosing world of control and censorship. Freedom is the right to act,think and
speak with out restraint. ATS and simlar forums are beacons of that freedom that are under threat through the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and
(PIPPA) Protect IP Act.
Since i have been on ATS i have contributed in mutiple debates and even tried my hand at starting a few threads of my own. I have witnessed a few
heated debates and some moving thoughts but for the short time i have been a member i only ever witnessed the end results of threads either de-bunked
or not enough evidence to draw a conclusion. So what im trying to get at is in the entire history of ATS how has it contributed to the world of
conspiraces. Has there ever been any irrefutable evidence that has ever past through this site. Has ATS ever achived anything since its founding I
would like this thread to be an archive of ATS and its members achievement's.
Or you could just post how ATS has helped you. I for one never knew of such sites like ATS until recently, i cherish this outlet and feel i have grown
as a person due to the community we have here. If these LAWs are past ATS will be short lived and so will all other sites that they fear.
Thanks for takeing your time to read i hope this archive grows.
P.s i do apologize but you time is not refundable lol
Please move if need be thanks MODs
Peace.... Indisputable
edit on 7/1/2012 by indisputable because: (no reason given)