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My Dr Referred All His Patients This Year To A Local Clinic For The H1N1 Vaccine!

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posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 03:26 AM
Hello All
Glad to be back after my hiatus- As some of you know about a year ago I was given the H1N1 vaccine (for the first and last time) I ended up in hospital with kidney failure.... and after much research (and there's a lot of info coming out now) I found that the batch of vaccine I had, contained an antibiotic called Neomycin. Neomycin (if u want to google it) can play havoc with people's kidneys (mine shut down) and I am hearing more and more horror stories about the side effects of this drug (mainly being that it can cause severe urinary/kidney problems) Now one might think yes Jools, but you were one of those unlucky individuals. But having visited some friends in the UK (Pharmacist and Dr) they were horrified as to why this drug was in the vaccine in the first place. This comes on the trail, of recent FDA anomalies and recent withdrawals of drugs due to flimsy testing and instant churning out of drugs not regulated...I merely wanted to share my story and I would not tell people not to take the vaccine...
Apparently Neomycin helps with the absorption of the vaccine through the bowels....But it is a dangerous drug...and not necessarily for anyone with kidney probs...they kicked mine back in and they are kidney disease prior kidney probs.....The sad thing is I have no answers.....long term I also do not know if they were damaged. I then got congestive heart failure because in order to get my kidneys re-started they pumped me so full on IV My body could not cope...So why then was I back in hospital and they thought is safe to use diuretics? (esp after total kidney failure -which worked)...To me this was a wake up call for the vaccine...I have not taken it this year and am in good health..There is no admittal that there's an issue...was an issue...But I am hearing more and more stories...and like I said initially I find it strange my personal GP stopped giving the vaccine at his practice this year...Just wanted to share

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 04:26 AM
Lol, you registered with this site in 2009 and still thought vaccines were safe. I commend you on your bravery and I'm glad to read you'll opt out this year.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 06:34 AM
H1N1 vaccine is lethal, they put all sorts of crap in it like mercury etc.

It really does amaze me that people will blindly trust doctors to inject them with something which could potentially kill them without reading what's in these things.

There was a study done that showed the vaccine only cures 1.5 in 100 people and not the 60% as they claimed. Is that really worth destroying your health over? These vaccines have so many lethal side affects and they completely destroy the immune system they even give you the virus they are meant to protect you from.

The bottom line is this: Never take anything you don't know what exactly it is and does. Other wise you are playing Russian roulette with your health.
edit on 7-1-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by Jools
Hello All
Glad to be back after my hiatus- As some of you know about a year ago I was given the H1N1 vaccine (for the first and last time) I ended up in hospital with kidney failure.... and after much research (and there's a lot of info coming out now) I found that the batch of vaccine I had, contained an antibiotic called Neomycin. Neomycin (if u want to google it) can play havoc with people's kidneys (mine shut down) and I am hearing more and more horror stories about the side effects of this drug (mainly being that it can cause severe urinary/kidney problems) Now one might think yes Jools, but you were one of those unlucky individuals. But having visited some friends in the UK (Pharmacist and Dr) they were horrified as to why this drug was in the vaccine in the first place. This comes on the trail, of recent FDA anomalies and recent withdrawals of drugs due to flimsy testing and instant churning out of drugs not regulated...I merely wanted to share my story and I would not tell people not to take the vaccine...
Apparently Neomycin helps with the absorption of the vaccine through the bowels....But it is a dangerous drug...and not necessarily for anyone with kidney probs...they kicked mine back in and they are kidney disease prior kidney probs.....The sad thing is I have no answers.....long term I also do not know if they were damaged. I then got congestive heart failure because in order to get my kidneys re-started they pumped me so full on IV My body could not cope...So why then was I back in hospital and they thought is safe to use diuretics? (esp after total kidney failure -which worked)...To me this was a wake up call for the vaccine...I have not taken it this year and am in good health..There is no admittal that there's an issue...was an issue...But I am hearing more and more stories...and like I said initially I find it strange my personal GP stopped giving the vaccine at his practice this year...Just wanted to share

You should do the research BEFORE getting ANY jag.

always follow the money should subscribe to and for the truth about these jags.

in any case it is a bit late but you can still solve some of your problems by following certain protocols which i can let you know if you interested.

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