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The great British tax scandal

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posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 06:27 AM
Mods feel free to move if this is in the wrong forum or remove if it has already been posted. Thanks.

"Our tax chief had secret lunches with Vodafone and Goldman Sachs and then handed them billions in tax breaks – while keeping Parliament in the dark! "

The tax agency has blocked an enquiry (apparently) so a petition has been drawn up to David Cameron for 'tax justice'

Sign here

I honestly think that these things are brought to our attention simply to gauge our sentiment and enable us to feel we can do something about it via a petition which may or may not make a difference. I don't think a petition will make them do anything that isn't already in the works, they just get to look like they are listening.

So what do you think ATS, shall we sign the petition? Is this corruption in a Government (agency) something which warrants a stronger response, if so what?

Is anyone else just totally sick of contributing to this system?

News article

What does it take to convince us to stop complying with a system which robs us of valuable time and wealth?


edit on 6-1-2012 by Threegirls because: to add link

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 06:34 AM
If Cameron knows it happened why the hell should we all sign a petition just so he will look into it. Its like a policeman asking people on the street to all sign their names before he goes check on a crime scene.
edit on 6-1-2012 by OwenGP185 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 06:37 AM
I am getting sick of paying my hard earnt money into a system that doesn't treat us all equally, i've had to pay my tax when i got paid why cant they pay theirs. I'm seriously considering going back to being self employed and never earning ehough money again to pay tax (cough)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by OwenGP185

Agreed, and good analogy, they want to see how many 'witnesses' there are and determine who cares and how strongly.


posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 06:49 AM
it really annoys me too our country just blows are tax money like no tomorrow.they spend over 70.000 on 1 single rocket and fired 1000s in Afghanistan and Iraq.each one of those rockets cost more than my house

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:18 AM
When any nation’s monetary system is in the control of a Central Banking System , 100% of All taxes go straight to the Central Bank.

Central Banking Systems are privately owned, So, if you as a citizen are paying taxes, you are handing your money over to a Privately held Corporation.

We are not able to circumvent “hidden” taxes like, fuel tax, sales tax, and the like, but Income Tax and Social Security are within your control.

That is why the “Fair Tax” is a bad idea, that is why a “Federal Consumption Tax” is a bad idea.

I am not going to say that you should not pay taxes, this is a personal choice.

What I am going to say is if you do pay taxes you need to know who’s slave you actually are.

In the US a wage earner will work 4 months to cover the taxes withheld from your income, this income derived from your labor is given directly to the Private Corporation, The Federal Reserve.

Sound like Slavery to me.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by Threegirls

It's one law for them and another for the rest of know it, i know it....

...but then the law in the UK has always been about protecting the'll do more time for robbing a bank than you would for murder...unless your a banker or a politician or a judge.

It's good to see groups like UK-uncut getting airtime on news programs like Newsnight, maybe the middle class are finally waking up to the rip-off now that they are no longer recipients of hush-money benefits.


posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by TBR47
it really annoys me too our country just blows are tax money like no tomorrow.they spend over 70.000 on 1 single rocket and fired 1000s in Afghanistan and Iraq.each one of those rockets cost more than my house

But they need to fire those rockets at someone to justify buying nice shiny new ones, from the company they (and the banks) have shares in.
We don't get to hear about the half of what goes on in these government departments and, even when someone does spill the beans, it gets swept under the rug very quickly by either government or the corporate media, or both if it's deemed potentially very damaging.

All we want, and deserve, is a level playing field as far as law and justice is concerned. At work, I have to sit through online ethics and compliance training modules every year. Everything from diversity, data retention and ethics and compliance. Half of what we have to adhere to in the workplace, mandated by the government, we see them ignoring every week and getting away with it.

But, they have us by the short and curlies, by using the old PAYE system, deducting taxes at source instead of allowing us to submit them ourselves. Thus preventing mass tax retention in protest at their actions. While all the time allowing themselves, their rich buddies and corporations to make the best use of designed loopholes that are not available to the man in the street. Is anyone really shocked any more?

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:52 AM
Wow, a man in a suit went to them in private and said i'll give you a tax break. . If a man came to me in a suit about my tax it would be wanting more money off of me or for tax fraud charges.

This system is corrupt to the fkin bottom atom its built on. .

Instead of chasing the tax money which these corps owe, which is billions, they chase the bottom people not been able to pay their taxes because they cant afford to survive. Not only that but when you pay too little tax they also slap big monthly repayments ontop of the tax your paying with no choice of paying the low installments, you just have to pay it.period.

They show no empathy to us what so ever, they tax us to take every single bit of excess money we have just to fund the central banking cartel - they dont want us to have extra money when it can all go to the real people who matter

They divide us by saying "your tax is paying for these job seekers" "your tax is paying for foreigners to stay here" "you tax is paying for X Y Z" -- NO Mr Government manipulator, not ONE bit of my tax pays any of that sht you just mentioned so stop fkin with my head, my tax pays off BANKERS for the debt we're always in - Government pay job seekers, Government pay foreigners to stay here, Government is paying for X Y Z. Government Need to sort their # out. Stop fkin over the little person im sick and tiered of hearing about sht like this. When will people wake up. .

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 08:12 AM
It seems by the replies so far that we are all in total agreement.

That said, it surprises me that groups such as; THIS
do not have more support here in the UK.

This group advocates actions such as;
" Boycott council tax payments
Boycott shopping weekends
Boycott buying fuel days
Boycott work days
Supporting community projects:
Growing & sharing local produce
Skills sharing
Working together to generate natural energy "

These actions would only be effective if enough people participate.

We are not without power, we need only to become united to take action against the tax system


posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by TBR47
it really annoys me too our country just blows are tax money like no tomorrow.they spend over 70.000 on 1 single rocket and fired 1000s in Afghanistan and Iraq.each one of those rockets cost more than my house

Firing the weapons means more job creation for the Defence industry - more missile components to build, etc. Different bits come from different NATO countries.

Im sorry, but there it is - war is big business. I therefore don't see an end to conflict, at least until the global economy starts picking up..................(hope im wrong though).

Back on topic, this has been an open secret for a long long time. There are actually many legal loopholes that allow major corporations to scam on their taxes and it isn't just limited to Britain - look at at some of the mega corporations and how they actually get rebates with ridiculous regularity.

Within the UK, companies based in Jersey, for example, have to pay much less tax than those registered onshore.....

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Threegirls
It seems by the replies so far that we are all in total agreement.

That said, it surprises me that groups such as; THIS
do not have more support here in the UK.

This group advocates actions such as;
" Boycott council tax payments
Boycott shopping weekends
Boycott buying fuel days
Boycott work days
Supporting community projects:
Growing & sharing local produce
Skills sharing
Working together to generate natural energy "

These actions would only be effective if enough people participate.

We are not without power, we need only to become united to take action against the tax system


Don't agree with the council tax - that pays for your local services. Expensive as it appears, it is actually fairly cheap - by that i mean try sorting out your own policing, fire cover, bin collections, road maintenance, etc - i guarantee the bill will be far more than your council tax bill.

God, i hate having to defend a tax law!

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by Flavian

Yes you have a good point there!

I think it is included because it is a tax that we can actually withhold. The other taxes are all taken automatically without consent so are not viable for boycott.


posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by Threegirls

You cannot withold it where it where i live! Be late with one payment and be prepared for a visit to your door......that bit i hate. Not like we can send the debt collectors round to them for some money back when the bin men don't turn up!

I think there would have to be almost total national dissatisfaction before us Brits took up complete opposition to taxes. There really isn't that level, at the moment.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Flavian

yip, we Brits sure are compliant

You are right about the council tax being impossible for us as individuals to avoid too!

We would need to have almost everyone on board

It's not really something we get that angry about until something like the mentioned article is published and even then we moan and complain and do nothing. If we talk about it we are seen as negative people, extremists and are avoided. Maybe we are just too well controlled in the UK.

What actually provokes us to get a bit of FIRE in our bellies? Where is our passion?

I love people, it burns me that so many are struggling while the cause of the economic problems sit pretty in their high towers. I don't wish them harm, I just want the corruption to end.


posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Britguy
But, they have us by the short and curlies, by using the old PAYE system, deducting taxes at source instead of allowing us to submit them ourselves. Thus preventing mass tax retention in protest at their actions. While all the time allowing themselves, their rich buddies and corporations to make the best use of designed loopholes that are not available to the man in the street. Is anyone really shocked any more?

(I'm not 100% certain on this one but) PAYE is not mandatory and workers do actually have the right to pay their own taxes, just as corporations and the self employed do! Employers deduct taxes from workers weekly/monthly/whatever but only pay the deductions to the Treasury annually/bi-annually, in effect your taxes are an interest free loan to employers to keep them compliant! In addition, employers have no incentive to offer any employee payment method other than BACS, further eroding the rights of the worker/tax payer to manage their finances as they will!

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by teapot

The problem with that though is if you only work for one company, I was a self employed welder for many years, i did continuous work for the same company, with occassional weekends at another company, all declared. Then the tax man told the main company is was working for that they should employ me due to how much work i do for them, and so they could then claim paye from me at a greater rate than what i was paying as self employed.

Believe me the taxman does NOT like it when you side step paye for self employment as he doesn't get anywhere near the revenue. I pay more in a month in national insurance as an employee, than i did in a year as self employed, dont get me started on the tax though, and how much governmanet wastes of my hard earned money.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 10:27 AM
It's funny, they are supposed to be trying to give incentives to start up your own business yet don't like us to be self employed. Bizarre!

This petition has still not reached 120 000 'signatures' yet. I guess we just know better than to believe it will make a difference. Maybe we simply do not care much any more, so long as we can still just about make our payments and feed our families. I do know that I would be debt free in 6 months if we didn't have to pay so much in tax!

If you earn less than £30 000pa you shouldn't have to pay income tax.


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