posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 11:12 PM
Your email address could have been spoofed and no one has to hack your email box.
This can be done a number of ways like hacking into your WIFI signal or even your cable link if you use a cable Internet IP.
They could even have harvested your email addresses from some site you posted on like facebook.
or they may have got them for your computer due to a virus or keylogger.
Go to your email box and check your sent mail.
If the sent mail does not show the mail that you did not send then they got a spoofed massage that did not come from your email address.
One trick to sign your email is to have a signature line that is always at the bottom of all your email.
On Gmail you go to setting= Signature: and put in something like i have "copyrighted©GJE"
by the way i use the copyright so that if anyone does somehow hack my email and tries to publish them to the internet i can sue them in federal court
because with the mark i have now copyrighted my email.
If the email from the climate change scientists that got hacked had this copyright signature we would be seeing very little of them on the internet
and hearing about them from courts during copyright lawsuits.
This simple signature will tell you if someone is using your email address or spoofing it because the spoofed emails will not have the signature.
And your friends if warned will know that you did not send the Email without the signature.
edit on 3-1-2012 by ANNED because: (no reason