posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 07:18 AM
Come across any 2012 debunking / spin propaganda?
Now that we are in the infamous year we can expect more of the shallow "The Mayans didn't actually predict blah blah blah" vs. even more shallow
"The end was predicted many times blah blah blah". I get why believers believe and skeptics don't, that has been played out. What interests me is
the fact that the signs have been abundant in 2011, and they are only going to get more blatant, so we end up with severe doublethink, where the MSM
promotes the idea to scare you but not TOO MUCH, enough that you need a valium scrip, but not so much you stop being a slave.
NASA weighed in - those guys are scientists so you know they can't be bought, and they are never wrong.
If the MSM goes out of its way to trash an idea then it must be valid, keep that in mind this year.
Beavis and Butthead -
Wife Swap via The Soup -
BandB don't really count, it's just to show ubiquity. The Wife Swap episode of course used typical wackjobs to represent any believer. Not spin so
much as ratings ploy...
Personally, I believe our sun is going to go supernova when it forms a galactic cross with its axis and the bloch wall, the inner planets will quantum
phase shift into 4D entities, to us it will appear as if the sun has gone black.
But yeah, post any recent or new links to articles and vids, please explain how you feel it is spin.