posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 01:21 AM
News years eve here in Australia so I thought I'd take the opportunity to say a few things.
Firstly, thanks to all that sent me xmas wishes, I'm sorry I didn't do the "card" thing this's hard to find Wolverine and xmas themed
So this goes out to all of ATS, friends, foes, mods and admin!
Sorry to the mods for being a constant pain in the butt, ATS can be trying sometimes...but I love this place....I really do.
Sorry to anyone I offended, upset, abused, berated, called out, raked over the coals, rebuked, admonished or exhorted.
I hope there is no hard feelings!
And for everyone else...
Let's hope for a great new year on ATS!
edit on 31/12/11 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)