Originally posted by The Old American
One is too many.
I'm an unabashed LEO supporter, because there are far more (in the 10,000 to 1 numbers) good officers than there are bad ones. But the bad ones are
really, really bad. They need to be weeded out, rounded up, and publicly stoned. They have betrayed the trust of a citizenry that depends upon them
for protection, and that is an egregious offense to humanity.
There are indeed some very good LEO's in existence today. In fact, I have had the privilege of befriending a few of them here in this site. Sadly a
few are ex-police officers because they were quite simply just that good, meaning it was no longer conscionable for them to remain on a force plagued
by the corruption and tyranny that permeates many police forces, and sadly even Sheriff's departments across the country.
10,000 to 1? I can appreciate your optimism, but my friend that optimism strikes me as rather naive. If it were truly 10,000 to 1 I don't think
good cops would quit the force due the profound corruption they face within their own department.
As for the bad ones, regardless of that percentage, instead of publicly stoning them it would be better, in my estimation, that people became
profoundly cognizant of the law and use that to hold the thugs that have abused their oath of office accountable and have them tried and convicted for
their crimes. I do not mean petition the local District Attorneys office and plead with them to charge the thugs with the crimes they've committed.
Such a notion, that DA's will gladly acquiesce to public demand and begin holding criminal LEO's accountable is demonstrably a pipe dream.
However, people who know the law, know full well that if they are the victim of a thug LEO who has denied and disparaged their rights - regardless of
the perceived severity of such a violation - all that needs to be done is that person go to the Sheriff's and file a verified complaint against the
offending LEO. That verified complaint means the person filing it has sworn under penalty of perjury that a crime was committed and the person named
for the crime is the one who committed that crime. No Sheriff can lawfully refuse to act upon a verified complaint. No District Attorney can
lawfully refuse to prosecute one charged by verified complaint, and no judge has the lawful authority to dismiss the case brought forth by verified
It has always been true that the people are the holders of the inherent political power, and there is strong evidence of that when confronted by a
police officer who asks for permission to come into your house, look into your car, back pack or personal belongings. They are asking for permission
because they have no Constitutional authority to search without that permission, and if they had the authority it would be in the guise of a warrant.
By asking a person for permission to search (and if granted permission, then to seize any item perceived to be "illegal" or unlawful) a person,
place, or thing, that LEO is lawfully circumventing any Constitutional restraint and gaining direct permission from a holder of the inherent political
power. This is compelling evidence that it is indeed true and certainly understood by government who holds the original and inherent political power.
As holders of that inherent political power, we are more inclined to see justice when we exercise our political authority than if we just sit by and
pat ourselves on the back for voting. In terms of handling the thuggery of criminal LEO's, that political power is best exercised by filing verified
complaints against the offenders. When enough LEO's are convicted and sentenced to prison for their thugish and brutish crimes then, and more than
likely only then, will the good cops start outnumbering the bad cops.