posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 06:22 PM
Been back for a couple of days after a short absence and I must say the board looks great with the new graphics and a new chat to boot.
After a break I needed to sift through my subscriptions list to get back up to speed.
I was just thinking that it would be great if a user could control which threads they subscribe to. Right now you are automatically subscribed to
every thread you reply to.
Would it be possible to have some way to click on a �Subscribe to this thread y/n?� option when posting to an un-subscribed thread? That way we would
only have to sort through threads we are actively participating in or have a real interest in reading.
Oh� and while I�m at it why not have thrashed threads automatically deleted from the list?
I should have probably U2U�d SO directly but I though maybe others would be interested in the idea/response.