posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 04:27 PM
Originally posted by LittleBit111
reply to post by yourboycal2
Thanks for your reply. All of what you have said, i have said to myself. Then I hear bad things about him but i think people just don't want him in
there to really change things for the better. I don't understand why he sounds so good to us but so many others hate him. Am i missing something?
Well, I'll try to answer that and hope I'm not too far off.
He scares the heck out of big business/big government/big media/military-industrial complex, etc., because he's opposed to the protective policies and
beneficial arrangements they've set up for themselves, and his policies would shine light on what they've been doing, cut into their (big-ass)
bankrolls, and make it harder for them to keep gaming the american people.
As such, and with 95+ percent of all mainstream news media in the US being either aligned with or outright owner/headed by members of the Council on
Foreign Relations (via 5 ginormous corporations), and the CFR's stated policies/goals pretty much directly opposed to Paul's views - well, the media
goes into hostile treatment or outright ignoring him pretty easily.
People are scared, because our government and media hypes up unrealistic threats - Paul's foreign policy views are then used in attempt to drive a
wedge between him and people who would support him otherwise based on this. People have also come to think that government involvement and funding in
our lives is necessary (lost their self-sufficiency and independence, as well as society having somewhat evolved away from various charity and other
community-driven care programs) that Paul's view on shrinking government scares them because they think everyone will die cold and alone (to that I
say with continued government mismanagement of the money they take from us for these programs, they're well beyond solvent anyway now and we'll all
crash and end up that way together).
Basically - people like big government, even if they say they don't (as long as it's doing the big-government things they like, and not the
big-government things they don't; this is where republicans/democrats, liberals/conservatives, etc. really tend to figure in - it's just which poison
they've picked, generally: big military and control over people's decisions or big social spending and control over various OTHER decisions people
make), and can't envision society and people standing on their own two feet like they did not all that long ago.
edit on 12/28/2011 by
Praetorius because: (no reason given)