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A Radical $50 Alternative to Prison - I Urge You to Contact Congrss to Implement.

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posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:56 PM
i belive your proposition is un- constitutional

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by grey580
They have sedation dentistry.
How bout sedation prison?

We sedate the prisoners so they are asleep most of the day.
They eat. Shuffle about for exercise and shower.

It would work. There's bound to be some company drooling over the contract to provide the meds for that.
It would be a win win for everyone.

Most of the prison population already has a drug problem. This would only exacerbate that problem into a larger one for when the prisoners were released. That and being sedated for that long would have profound effects on the human psyche....and once non-sedated imagine the amount of aggression that would have built inside the genetically predispositioned violent inmates.....may have a lot more to deal with on your hands than just some drool to clean up. I am POSITIVE though that the big pharma companies would jump with both feet at the chance to get more government money and trials should something in likeness to this ever become an option.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe

Originally posted by nobodysavedme
we all know prisons cost $100000 at least per prisoner per year.

prisons don't reform people and actually crime info exchange makes it worse as they learn each others bad habits and re-offend when they leave prison.

prison is a university for crime.

after much thought i thought of this brilliant idea.

why not cart them to a country which is poor and does not have any of these temptations to rob,steel,murder.

why not send them to africa?

they would be dumped near a primitive village and basically given a survival handbook and $50 which is a years wage in africa and left to sink or swim by themselves.

they should be dumped with only $50 in the outlying areas and made to fend for themselves and banned from coming back to u s a for 3 months to 20 years depending on the crime.

this will wean them of tv and junk food,consumerism,material goods obsession...keep them busy with surviving day to day and since there is nothing worth stealing in africa, keep them straight.

this will improve their character get them away from iphone bling,drugs,violence,money,meth,jewelery,rap music,ipods,tv ,computers,porn,cell phones,designer wear,cars ,junk food,junk drink,peer group pressure .....and so on...

improve their minds by focusing on survival.

when they come back to america it will be like paradise to them and they will be better human beings and not want to leave this paradise again.

more info

edit on 28-12-2011 by nobodysavedme because: (no reason given)

There are too many in the system that would just use this to their advantage to begin a new reign of terror. Even in prison there is a pecking order and the strong always beat the weak. If all were given $50 and survival gear the strong would kill the weak for their $50 with no consequences being in another country. They would always find a way to better their position in their environment. You can't change anything by environment. You can change by education and showing someone that they are capable of doing something different. There are also those that can't or don't want to learn a new way. Many in prison have come from the worst home lives you can imagine and have survived this long by doing what they do. For many, prison is better than home. They have food, shelter, money, etc.....They have learned to adapt...that is a human quality. Would you not do anything you could to survive if it came to that? If you were thrown into prison for "X" number of years and had to figure a way to survive do you think you would without having the knowledge of that culture?

Throwing prisoners into another country wouldn't do anything to solve the would only remove it until years later it came back to bite us in the form of a new revolution forming from all prisoners that would have no hesitation taking what they wanted and feeling justified in doing so because after all, they were abandoned with $50 in a foreign country to fend for themselves.....that is the mentality.

Not saying there aren't those that can be reformed, but the majority are in it for life and don't really want to reform as it is all they have known. Those that just make a mistake one day that they end up in jail for are the ones that feel remorse and can change and make reparations for their mistakes. Those that have made a life of prison and change are few and far between.

you have misconstrued what i said.

ONE prisoner dumped near a villiage .....not 2000 prisoners dumped near a village.

they would be spaced widely apart.

africa is a big place.

the african brutal justice system would be explained to them beforehand and if they are too stupid they would suffer the consequences.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by nobodysavedme

isn't this what the Crown did with Australia?


we need to get rid of the massive amount of laws first...

so many new ones even the cops can not keep up..

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by jplaysguitar

we just need reforme like if there is no victim then there is no crime that alone would easy cut prison pop.s in half and get rid of minmum sentencing

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by nobodysavedme

To the OP you do know that Africa is a continent not a country right?
You cant just say Africa has a brutal justice system because there are around 54 country with all different systems.
Many of them are very modern, they are not all just tribal....

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by nobodysavedme

you have misconstrued what i said.

ONE prisoner dumped near a villiage .....not 2000 prisoners dumped near a village.

they would be spaced widely apart.

africa is a big place.

the african brutal justice system would be explained to them beforehand and if they are too stupid they would suffer the consequences.

LOL....that is even more laughable then. The US prison population according to records is around 2.4 million. Now taking that into account with what you just said, please expand on how your proposal would work. The resources it would take to plan and transfer the US prison population to another country with the logistics in place would be astronomical. That and the void it would leave in the criminal population in the US would only be filled again by the same or more ruthless criminals from inside our own country or other countries when they see the HUGE opportunity of all of their competition being taken out.

What would keep these displaced prisoners from getting to a larger village that has resources to get them back to the US or even to fund a new operation from outside the US where they may be untouchable by US law and could do even more to degrade the quality of our already failing system of government?

I propose eradication......that would be about as likely to happen, costs a lot less and takes care of the issue once and for all......LOL!

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by nobodysavedme

I think the Africans have enough to worry about without America sending criminals over there. In fact, Africa has more than it's share of criminals already, and some of them wear suits.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe

Originally posted by nobodysavedme

you have misconstrued what i said.

ONE prisoner dumped near a villiage .....not 2000 prisoners dumped near a village.

they would be spaced widely apart.

africa is a big place.

the african brutal justice system would be explained to them beforehand and if they are too stupid they would suffer the consequences.

LOL....that is even more laughable then. The US prison population according to records is around 2.4 million. Now taking that into account with what you just said, please expand on how your proposal would work. The resources it would take to plan and transfer the US prison population to another country with the logistics in place would be astronomical. That and the void it would leave in the criminal population in the US would only be filled again by the same or more ruthless criminals from inside our own country or other countries when they see the HUGE opportunity of all of their competition being taken out.

What would keep these displaced prisoners from getting to a larger village that has resources to get them back to the US or even to fund a new operation from outside the US where they may be untouchable by US law and could do even more to degrade the quality of our already failing system of government?

I propose eradication......that would be about as likely to happen, costs a lot less and takes care of the issue once and for all......LOL!

look these prisoners would be spread out and dispersed.

they would not know where a fellow criminial is.

they would be in rural areas spread out.

they would very busy striving to live by day to do illegal acts...they are not supermen ok?

say if example i dumped you in sudan in some random jungle with $50.

first thing would be water,food,shelter then you would need to get a job or your $50 would be gone.

the prisoners would be air dropped using parachutes from planes into areas near villages...

they can try to help the natives by teaching them about clean water and hygiene and about germs in exchange for food and water.

this will give them purpose in life.

for example a convict would give a villager $1 to buy tools or seeds.

in exchange the native would give him some corn or shelter.

crime would vanish as every one would know they would be dumped into africa with no electricity,running water or iphone or tv.....

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:11 PM
Why don't they just give them their own Island? England did by sending their convicts to Australia.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by reeferman

Sorry reeferman, I missed your post.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 09:15 PM
Is the Continent of Africa a Soveriegn Nation belonging to the USA now? That is the only way they will legally be able to deposit their undesirables on African soil without the permission of the African countries governments.

Unless you're intending to invade and bring democracy to Africa.

The illegal deposition of American citizens on African soil without due process from the African governments, will technically and legally, be a hostile invasion.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 09:41 PM
The op has brought up a valid point and question, that there has to be something better than the current penal system, to try to deter crime in the US.

While appealing as it may be to take and drop the harden criminals somewhere else, the problem is that this would never do, due to the fact that it would be considered cruel and unusual punishment by the standard’s of today. In the past, some of the European countries did just that, as was pointed out, England doing such, by shipping the convicts to Australia, and France shipped theirs to South America.

The more simpler solution, and this would be quiet easy to do, is to take out all of the luxuries in the prisons and take a step back. That means no more exercise equipment, no more TV, or radio, no nothing, just a cot, place to shower, go to the restroom and 3 meals. Make them no frill meals, and life hard on those who are convicted of committing a crime. Make prison and jails a place to not only fear and to avoid, but also a place where those who are convicted in a court of law, a place to do penance for their offence. Take out the parole, or early release.

That is one third of the solution, another third is that society has to be willing to accept those who are released from prison back into it, help them gain employment and a place to stay. Often those who are convicted serve 2 sentences, one in the penal system and the other by society that refuses to forgive them.

The final third, and as a poster pointed out, get rid of some of the archaic laws, and use a bit of common sense in making the laws, rather than one blanket law to cover one offense. And make it where it is not good for a politician to have large numbers of jails or prison in his or her district. Make it a liability.

Make these changes and it should be simple to see the prison population reduce down.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe

Originally posted by grey580
They have sedation dentistry.
How bout sedation prison?

We sedate the prisoners so they are asleep most of the day.
They eat. Shuffle about for exercise and shower.

It would work. There's bound to be some company drooling over the contract to provide the meds for that.
It would be a win win for everyone.

Most of the prison population already has a drug problem. This would only exacerbate that problem into a larger one for when the prisoners were released. That and being sedated for that long would have profound effects on the human psyche....and once non-sedated imagine the amount of aggression that would have built inside the genetically predispositioned violent inmates.....may have a lot more to deal with on your hands than just some drool to clean up. I am POSITIVE though that the big pharma companies would jump with both feet at the chance to get more government money and trials should something in likeness to this ever become an option.

Well because being butt punked in the shower or having to worry about being shived doesn't do anything to your psyche either.

IMO prison right now is like college for criminals. They go in and learn more. Or are in prison gangs. It's not a safe environment.

Granted there would have to be some rehabilitation done once the prison term was over.
But in general this would be a safer way of doing things.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 11:46 AM
I like the south American system in countries like Bolivia for example...they are given a closed community where prisoners find their own accommodations....have stores, and's not as nice as it sounds....they just dump them in a large walled area and close the doors.....they pay each other rent...have jobs and suffer each other's company......

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:52 PM
Prison is overused and does not rehabilitate properly.

75% of prisoners should be remanded to community service, house arrest, and GPS monitoring. All of them should be given state appointed work if unable to find work on their own, paid at a minimum wage without benefits (roadside cleanup, janitorial, landscaping, low level office work, physical labors, farming, etc). They should also be required to pay a monthly fee for the GPS monitoring and/or probation services taken directly from their paycheck. In addition to this, they should be required to attend counseling or rehabilitation for whatever crimes they may have committed, also at a fee.

The remaining 25% is composed of mainly the mentally ill, and should be remanded to "prison" but it be more of a therapeutic hospital/asylum so they can not only possibly get better, but be no harm to themselves or others.

This would cost the state nothing and would actually provide additional funding for the state with the surplus dollars going towards education programs to prevent future offenders and catch them young in order to prevent problems later in life.

In addition to this, if one were to actually removal idiotic laws that criminalize everyone, and legalize a majority of substances and victimless adult activities, it would minimize offenders even more so.

THIS would be a solution that would work. But it does not allow for excessive profit and life-destroying vengeance, due to this is not acceptable.
edit on 30-12-2011 by DJM8507 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:19 PM
Why does another country deserve to be a dropping off point for the dregs of society,what if the then said individual is a rapist/murderer and murders/rapes an INNOCENT citizen of said country??

Who is then held liable,if the correctional system sent the individual there with clear knowledge and evidence proving that they were convicted with x/y/z and they commited a crime as heinious as rape or murder?

Sounds like passing the buck if ye ask me,dont get me wrong,hell over here in britain an average time spent in custody for a verdict of guilty followed by a "life" sentence which averages about 13.7 years! I personally hate the justice system in my country also but if you think american prisons dont work then read about our jails,where convicts get tv's in their cells,ps3's,xbox 360's sky tv etc etc.....just a year or two ago in a jail about 20 miles from me that was a fresh build was trashed when the convicts rioted because they wern't getting mars bars!!!! (dont know if they have mars bars in the states but its a chocolate bar lol)

Bring back the death penalty,no marks for guessing the re-offending rate there!

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