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Occupy Congress Calls On Occupiers Nationwide To Join In DC January 17, 2012

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posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
And when those jobs don't exist? How about when you lost your home? What about those students who can't find ANY work at all, and have massive debts?

You have a very simplistic view of what a protester is, and what it takes to get out of poverty. You're lucky you have a job, but a part of me hopes that you loose it, then your home, then maybe you'll understand that it isn't as simple as "get a job".

Jobs exist if you know where to look.

When I was younger and slaving away in a restaurant 50-60 hours a week in order to support my young family, I didn't complain or go protest or give up on anything. I learned. I researched upcoming trends in society (computers) and READ BOOKS and LEARNED about them so that I could have a career, a home and a comfortable life.

Don't give me any of that "there are no jobs" bull#. If you can't find work for what you know - maybe it's time to CHANGE what you know.

Just sayin....

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:08 PM
Its not even all about jobs,
If you think its all about jobs then do some more researching,
There are a lot of things occupy are working for, jobs is probably midway through the list.

And i doubt, unemployment being so high, that there is a secret treasure trove of jobs.
there are americans coming over to canada to work because there are no jobs there.

And tech jobs are being outsourced too, lots of people in india with technical degrees willing to work for less. Hence why our jobs are going over there. If your job can be done remotely, then it can be done by somewhere cheaper.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:10 PM
OWS should have went to DC in the first damn place, that's where all of the traitors are.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by illuminatislave

Like I said in the OP, there has been an Occupy in DC for months now. They're now calling for others from across the nation to join them.

Also based on the link in your sig, you should look up OccupyKst.
edit on 28-12-2011 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:25 PM
If they plan on doing what I think they should do, I might just meet them in DC myself.

Occupy Capitol Hill

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by TXRabbit

Originally posted by 2manyquestions
Just be glad that while you're looking for a job and improving your functional skills, there's other people who are willing to do the protesting for you. You don't have to occupy anything to be supportive. I imagine that donating a few pizzas or hot drinks will suffice as support for the movement.

So my holding a steady job that contributes via taxation to the ability for these people who don't work to receive benefits in order to not work and go about protesting against things that other people have, Isn't supporting them?

Pizza? No I won't buy them pizza. I can show them how to make one though :-)

Way to go and twist my words into something negative. Not everyone protesting is jobless or homeless. Besides... if I was jobless, I can think of a few funner ways to spend my winter than to stand out in the cold holding up a sign. Anyone willing to stand or sit in the snow to have their voices heard is a pretty OK person to me.

As far as tax dollars are concerned, I don't know where mine are going. Maybe they're killing families overseas, or they're supporting a welfare case who has no intention of ever working for their bread. Maybe they're paying for a hooker in DC, or maybe they just bought $20.00 muffins and $10.00 cups of coffee at some political meet. Seems to me that our tax dollars are actually contributing to the decline of this country rather than for the protesters benefits. If they voice my concerns in DC, I don't mind if my tax money goes to extending their unemployment check.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

All of these things are tied together. I can't really see an argument with the tactic of starting with Wall Street because it worked, it drew people together and got the USA talking. It helps also to know what the message actually was. Not hating the rich or wanting them to give all their money away but hating the fact that those with money have a larger voice in our laws and policies than those who do not, that is wrong and not how America is supposed to work.

They targeted the big names on Wall Street because many of those big names got bailed out of failure of their own doing, while the average american paid for those bailouts and received no mercy when they began to fail. Our taxes dollars were stolen and redistributed to multi-billion dollar companies and they repaid us by saying no we can't re-work your mortgage/school loan gtfo, or no you can't keep your job there's slave labor in china we can exploit.

Thanks for the S+F it means a lot coming from you.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by TXRabbit

Let's see... first corporations lobby to get make it easy to send almost all our good paying jobs overseas to enslave 3rd world workers and banksters lobby to get all consumer banking protection removed.

Then they create bubbles making themselves rich and destroying our economy and destroying the value of our money.

They they put us to work for third world wages as PHD's work as janitors because that's all thats left... "service jobs" such as McDonalds and Walmart.

Meanwhile they get trillions of dollars in kickbacks, oh i mean bailouts, and pay no taxes.

It's not those on welfare that are killing us, its the corporate takeover of our government that's killing us... oh wait there's a word for it when government and industry are inseperable.....Fascism.

fas·cism   [fash-iz-uhm] noun
1.( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

edit on 28-12-2011 by pianopraze because: typo

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 03:42 AM
I believe all the OWS protesters should read the Christopher McCandless story or watch the film "into the wild"
and follow his actions.

What better way to say f.... the system.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by TXRabbit
Gee..I wonder what I'll do today.

Should I take responsibility for myself, my future and my family's future by looking for a job or improving my functional skills or should I travel to another city to hold signs bitching about things that other people have.


I am really glad you weren't around when this country was being founded. I bet the original revolutionists didn't have this attitude of "I will look after me and mine first and damn the country and its problems."

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 09:54 AM
Everyone is encouraged to rendezvous there, on their own free will.

The greviances of the People are many and varied, but the theme is the same - the status quo CANNOT remain the same and errors need to be corrected for progress to happen.

There are reasons why OWS is seemingly 'leaderless'.

Each and everyone IS a leader unto himself, and is responsible for the desire of a better life for oneself and one's loved ones and all mankind, based upon common aspirations all mankind shares, such as shared prosperity, equality, justice, love, peace, responsible freedom and progress, leaving none behind.

Currently it seems that there is no GLOBAL leadership to direct international affairs such as UN or stronger nations. It is only right, in this climate, for ALL national leaders had been found wanting.

US leaders - mired in political gridlock, EU leaders - mired and dabbling in fiscal totalitarianism, China, Russia, India - mired in deep rooted corruption, Arab leaders - mired in Sunni-Shia Jihadism, Aussie leaders - down under happily selling away national assets and lands to foreigners and Israel lost in its direction.

However, there is a global leadership currently in place - the true one - You The PEOPLE around the world. Humanity has decided enough is enough of the madness and mess by the leaders, and had stood up to demand an end to the status quo.

Humanity does not seek to overthrow 'just rule of law' or 'governance' that are already in operation or some who desire of one better, such as the doctrines of US Constitution based upon Democracy, that had survived after 200+years while many other political doctrines had floundered either miserably or spectacularly throughout the course of our civilisation.

Humanity does not seek for violence, unless violence is visited upon us.

Humanity only seeks for peace and trade, and to correct mistakes made in order to progess and evolve, and will stand down once its aims are realized.

There are no publically acclaimed leader, and rightly so, because

With a Messiah, came a Constantine seeking for himself 'Divus' worship, misusing civilisational education.

With a Prophet Muhammad, came Persian Caliphates sought and seeking domination to relive ancient persian dominance, misusing civilisational teachings.

With a Trotsky fighing for Communism Idealism, came a demon Stalin and a devil Mao that enslaved nations.

With a Socialist Hindenburg after WW1, came the ultimate evil Hitler.

With a Democracist Washington, came a republican corporate facist Bush.

The list can go on and on.

Point is, Gandhi had once extolled to his freedom fighters to sacrifice by DISBANDING once freedom for India had been achieved, so that PRINCIPLES of freedom and 'just laws' rule, RATHER than the CULT of PERSONALITY, for he knew how CORRUPTIVE power can be for humans.

Unfortunately, his advice was ignored, and today around the world, just like India, the results proved Gandhi right.

Every human counts. Be there!

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
Everyone is encouraged to rendezvous there, on their own free will.

The greviances of the People are many and varied, but the theme is the same - the status quo CANNOT remain the same and errors need to be corrected for progress to happen.

There are reasons why OWS is seemingly 'leaderless'.

Each and everyone IS a leader unto himself, and is responsible for the desire of a better life for oneself and one's loved ones and all mankind, based upon common aspirations all mankind shares, such as shared prosperity, equality, justice, love, peace, responsible freedom and progress, leaving none behind.

Currently it seems that there is no GLOBAL leadership to direct international affairs such as UN or stronger nations. It is only right, in this climate, for ALL national leaders had been found wanting.

US leaders - mired in political gridlock, EU leaders - mired and dabbling in fiscal totalitarianism, China, Russia, India - mired in deep rooted corruption, Arab leaders - mired in Sunni-Shia Jihadism, Aussie leaders - down under happily selling away national assets and lands to foreigners and Israel lost in its direction.

However, there is a global leadership currently in place - the true one - You The PEOPLE around the world. Humanity has decided enough is enough of the madness and mess by the leaders, and had stood up to demand an end to the status quo.

Humanity does not seek to overthrow 'just rule of law' or 'governance' that are already in operation or some who desire of one better, such as the doctrines of US Constitution based upon Democracy, that had survived after 200+years while many other political doctrines had floundered either miserably or spectacularly throughout the course of our civilisation.

Humanity does not seek for violence, unless violence is visited upon us.

Humanity only seeks for peace and trade, and to correct mistakes made in order to progess and evolve, and will stand down once its aims are realized.

There are no publically acclaimed leader, and rightly so, because

With a Messiah, came a Constantine seeking for himself 'Divus' worship, misusing civilisational education.

With a Prophet Muhammad, came Persian Caliphates sought and seeking domination to relive ancient persian dominance, misusing civilisational teachings.

With a Trotsky fighing for Communism Idealism, came a demon Stalin and a devil Mao that enslaved nations.

With a Socialist Hindenburg after WW1, came the ultimate evil Hitler.

With a Democracist Washington, came a republican corporate facist Bush.

The list can go on and on.

Point is, Gandhi had once extolled to his freedom fighters to sacrifice by DISBANDING once freedom for India had been achieved, so that PRINCIPLES of freedom and 'just laws' rule, RATHER than the CULT of PERSONALITY, for he knew how CORRUPTIVE power can be for humans.

Unfortunately, his advice was ignored, and today around the world, just like India, the results proved Gandhi right.

Every human counts. Be there!
Bravo! We have no leaders because of where we've been led.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 10:26 AM
I'll give Occupy the benefit of doubt and withold my comments on this event until I see it.

How's that for fair?

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by TXRabbit

Originally posted by detachedindividual
And when those jobs don't exist? How about when you lost your home? What about those students who can't find ANY work at all, and have massive debts?

You have a very simplistic view of what a protester is, and what it takes to get out of poverty. You're lucky you have a job, but a part of me hopes that you loose it, then your home, then maybe you'll understand that it isn't as simple as "get a job".

Jobs exist if you know where to look.

When I was younger and slaving away in a restaurant 50-60 hours a week in order to support my young family, I didn't complain or go protest or give up on anything. I learned. I researched upcoming trends in society (computers) and READ BOOKS and LEARNED about them so that I could have a career, a home and a comfortable life.

Don't give me any of that "there are no jobs" bull#. If you can't find work for what you know - maybe it's time to CHANGE what you know.

Just sayin....

but when you get cut from a good job because you are low man on the list, its not your fault, and like my situation, i couldnt find work since march, and i just got a new job. I had to start over, something that i usually dont do. how can I afford to get education for a new career when I got a mortgage, bills, kids, etc. etc. I looked hard and long for work and could find nothing. I even applied at burger king. you know what I heard. "I'm sorry, we are currently saving our positions for senior citizens or students." you know how that feels? probably not. you can do all the personal research you want, but most places want a degree, or actual work experience, not, "I read this, and practiced it at home" it aint gonna work, sorry. the employment rate in my city is horrible right now. and the only jobs you can get in a pinch help you to the point where maybe you'll get $100 in food stamps instead of $200. part time minimum just doesn't cut it. I hope you're getting more of the big picture here..

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