posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity
Not really much to talk about.
Dondero says Paul's not bigoted towards gays and truly believes in their right to do as they will, isn't racist, "thinks the world" of people falling
into these groups (although he may be personally uncomfortable with gays, if NO other possible *and reasonable* explanation is given or looked for),
and pretty much ends on Paul's foreign policy being bonkers - nothing different than we've heard from any other neoconservative who lives in unending
fear of islam and thinks we can do anything we want around the world without increasing our chances of being retaliated against.
Oh, well, he does clarify that Paul (correctly) understands that WWII was blowback for the harsh Versailles Treaty after WWI, WWI was the result of
entangling alliances causing something relatively minor to blow up into a global debacle, FDR (as discussed in the mainstream media fairly recently)
knew about Pearl Harbor attack before it happened, Russia and Europe likely would have succeeded in defeating Hitler without our intervention (but did
conceded that a few other instances did validate our entry into WWII even if was not necessary), and that Paul doesn't like zionism (further claims
argued by other of Paul's former aides).
Oh, and he is supposedly the best ever at being a possible closet LIHOP'er.
All unsubstantiated and unverifiable, of course, as is from a personal account, but most of it actually speaks to Paul's wisdom as I've held the same
views for awhile.
edit on 12/27/2011 by Praetorius because: (no reason given)