I suppose you are correct in that a man could live off the land and not have to pay taxes... i think however as soon as 5 or more maybe even 2 or more
people come into contact there would become the possibilties of a power struggle for food or water, and the bigger , stronger would take over your
sources. Of course they may allow you to have access to them for a small fee or kill you outright. I think taxes have been implemented from years of
trial and error of human survival.
Its not the taxes that are the problem. its the misuse of the money by those that the taxes are being collected for. Or the blatant misuse of
power by the entities collecting the taxes... the IRS or Revenue Canada for example. and the amount of taxes being collected to finance this
As a small business owner, or micro business owner in my case. Trust me, i am not a slave owner. I own a small painting business, and for every 4500
dollars an employee makes it costs me approximately 1000 dollars out of my pocket to operate within the boundaries of the rediculous tax system. Out
of that 4500 he collects he will pay approximately 1400 in taxes leaving him with 3100... 1400 taken from him plus the 1000 it costs me is 2400
dollars to the governement . So for every 3100 he makes the government gets 2400. never mind the 8 hours a month i spend setting up for him... doing
payroll, bla bla.
I struggle every month as a small business owner to operate legitimately,,, the tax burden is crushing for most....i have been audited and had
penalties, interest and even a bill for 1400 dollars given to me from the tax collectors, and when i questioned i was accused of operating a second
business and that it be best i pay the bill to avoid the consequences of being suspected of operating a second business ...
Yet an energy company like Just Energy can multilevel market its sales of power and gas, absolving itself of any employee tax expense at all... and
leaving the system void of tax dollars because most of the money generated by multi level marketing ( like amway) goes undeclared... so in a society
where huge tax potential like energy sales can be ignored and small painting businesses slowly crushed i would guess it will eventually cave in ...
at that time we will be forced to live off the land, tax free finally, in an anarchist like society... untill someone stronger then you decides he
wants your resources but will allow you access to them for a small fee, of course....
edit on 1-1-2012 by jimmysimpson because: (no reason given)
edit on 1-1-2012 by jimmysimpson because: (no reason
edit on 1-1-2012 by jimmysimpson because: sorry, just noticed this part as it is my first time posting, i didnt like my
wording... should have previewed first... will pay attention to that from now on ....