tools like this are put on the air , to increase ratings because of the drama it causes.
It makes the news corp look good as they battle , fools like this with no basis .
The guy was clearly lost in his own reason and logic . They knew this before they put him on the air. What better way to boost ratings and show
patriotism by bashing a fool ?
edit on 26-12-2011 by yourboycal2 because: (no reason given)
IMO this guy is nothing but an attention wh**re, but not anymore so the Sean Hannity. The main difference is that this fool has to say more outrageous
things then Hannity in order to get the attention because he doesn't have a program on Fox News. Just listening to him speak makes it clear, at least
to me, that he isn't truly standing behind those outrageous statements that he is making. He simply wants a little more then his 15 minutes of fame.
Not all attention seekers require positive attention. In fact I believe that the more negative the attention the more powerful reward for some.
Dunno, no soldier has ever GIVEN me any right.
I take my rights and use them, if someone cares to change that, it is their decision.
But I do not see how a corporation killing a brown man a million miles away saves my rights.
I was born with my rights, just like everybody else.
Some just do not know this.
I see what you mean, and I can agree more or less. The day the soldiers stand up to the crooks in Washington when they try to make a right a
privilege I can agree that they are fighting for our rights, other than that, they are being used as pawns for corporate gains. It is unfortunate, I
have family serving, but they volunteered and were not drafted.
(on a side note, it has always bothered me how the veterans who were drafted got such a terrible welcome home after serving, and today the soldiers
volunteer and they get a much different reception)
Agreed, not many folks see this angle.
My country has not gotten better even with all of the monumental cash we put into troops and equipment.
Maybe our soldiers are shooting the wrong bad guys.
Our ship is sinking and nobody has picked up a bucket...
Star on ya!