posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 07:24 PM
The millitary doesnt give you an honerable discharge (yet) if you are against killing... If it's against your religion... (I know.. I actually saw a
private pull that move... it was funny. Trust me.) You'll be doing grass drills before you can spit the rest out.
If you're out of uniform... You're out of uniform! Grass drills.. M16 in hand oer head.
I mean what gives! The millitary is going soft.. JROTC is a direct extension of that millitary. That wasnt allowed in my rotc in high school, why
should it change to fit religion when there is STILL a seperation of church and state!
So the only religion that gets away with mingling with government is the muslim religion? That's kinda bass ackwards, if you ask me.