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Does Politics Matter in Florida anymore? Or Bush gets an Easier Win?

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posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 08:45 AM
I can only speak for myself, but I wonder if other Floridians feel the same. With an active hurricane season peaking between now and October, the focus of the American political scene and presidential races doesn't hold my interest anymore. I could care less about what Kerry said and what Bush said. 9/11 seems so distant to me at the present. None of the world events that I (worldwatcher
(my world has gotten smaller)) was dedicated to observing is now on the backburner of my mind. Hurricanes, Hurricanes, Hurricanes is all that I can think of. I keep looking at all those red blobs on the satellite pics and wonder which one is going to be next. Life revolves around either clean-up or preparation and when I do watch the news, hurricanes is still in the top story......but yet in all of that, certain events stick in my mind, the Russian massacre, more violence in Iraq and Bush bringing relief aid to Florida.

Bush visiting Florida, talking with people, giving out ice and bringing the much needed $$$ is what sticks out the most to me and while my opinion of him hasn't changed, I wonder if this doesn't make his win in Florida even more guaranteed that it already was. Now don't get me wrong, I am not accusing Bush or any government of being involved with hurricanes hitting florida, I am just saying that the President regardless if it was Bush or any other president at the time, would get the support of a state that now needs the government's favor more than anything. Disasters, natural or not are good for the sitting party.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 08:52 AM
There are certain advantages to our governor being the president's brother, hehe....

Still, though hurricanes are pretty much occupying most of my thoughts these "anybody but Bush" stance is still firm....

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 09:13 AM
All of these Hurricanes will take some of the wind out of the Democratic sails I think in Florida. People will remember the hand that helps them out, not meant to be a partisan statement, but if a Democrat was in the Whitehouse, the same statement would be made.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 09:59 AM
I'm in Florida now, and people are laughing at Bush for coming down here and handing out ice, accusing him of playing politics. But to be fair, I think any President, democrat or republican, would be looked upon with a cynical eye during an election year. That's just the way people are.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 07:59 PM
what i'd like to know is other than sept. 11, has bush shown up for any other disaster in the past 4 years? fires, blizzards, hurricanes and other disaters have hit us but only now does he show up. this to me is nothing but a photo op and trying to get the votes. just like that rubber turkey.

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