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My Sincere Apology to the People of Iran (cuz we're about to destroy you)

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posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 06:52 AM
With love from Russia

So time have come for us to change roles. You teach us what democracy is for almost 20 years. And we learn well, very well. We replicated it in our society. We even amplified it to test the depths - you know if russians do something they dont like to stop.. So a few years ago you was our scoolteacher and we learn. For now we have completed your course. Now a few remarks, dear teachers... As a graduate student would say.
1. The democracy you teach have good things pretty good. Human rights elections personal freedom other stuff- fine.
2. But ups - it is not democracy at all. All this stuff is not connected with real POWER. Your variant is to fabricate money-dependent consumers, which are indeed free, but are slaves of banks and their job-givers and their own instincts.
3. Not to be off-topic. This war in Iran will probably be. U are not democratic enough to stop it. Its makes me laugh then ppl ask Iranians to bomb pentagon instead of them. They do not understand democracy is responcibility. So do the ppl who apologizes for future war crimes - you will be dead dear... ups i did it again...not really me, im clean and fluffy, but my right hand and gun in pocket.
4. Conclusion. U have to study true democracy. And so do we. But we are not doomed. For example if every russian say # off mr Putin - and ignore him this day and after he is not president anymore. (But we will not do so for now) We have to take total absolute RESPONCIBILITY for everything our government do. We allow it. We have to be free ppl of Earth but we allow a bunch of gangsters to do horrible things. But please, dont do revolution. We know by our spilled blood, its very BAD thing. You will be fooled by your own revolution leaders. They always do so. The war of 21 century is a war of information. Just clean minds of ur neighbours, soldiers, and ppl of a propaganda bull#. React with soft force. Banksters are cowards. They always have been. When u understand their tricks they will not affect u. And the more ppl understand the less power they will have. Its a theory indeed, and maybe u will find better solution.
We Russans and u Americans have common enemy - greedy selfish ruthless ppl within our societies and even within us. We are doomed to be friends. Lol.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 07:06 AM
When people see or hear of a terrible car accident, they usually have a morbid curiosity to learn every detail and re live the devastation in their minds.
Same principle is at play here with a minority of people who push for war. They want to be able to see blood and talk about it around the water cooler at work - making sure to include their take on "superior" morals.
Its simple immaturity to even suggest that an attack on another country is warranted in this day and age.
Ask the people of older generations who have been there and done that.
Face it, war is unnecessary in these modern times. Its very clear that any war at this point is an attempt to bolster patriotism and remind people of our man made borders (God put them there people - dont you know?:lol
. Also a LOT of military based companies get a nice pay day from war.
Its disheartening that people still fall for the old trick, performed by our crooked leaders, attempting to convince us that we NEED to go to war.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 07:57 AM
Then you touch this example of car accident - its deep things very deep... It is about MATRIX CONTROL - the ultimate crazy invention of banksters. We all have survival instinct and so nature-instructed to study disasters not to allow them happen again. But there is a butt to kick. Listen, some time ago I was travelling with a group of Americans in Italy, Ethna mountain. It was very strange for me then ppl start to glaze to lava-destroyed house and even shout look ! look! O-oo. For russian to see this its crazy. Its only pity to see destroyed house, no fun.
So I asked myself why it is. And then I do understand. Its the culture. And for a programmer the culture is a matrix or code, which is written in human computers. It is just accepted to do this way in certain situations - its subconsicous algorithms. At home, I see my own child playing computer game Star wars Battlefront and ups that is !. Our mass media films, computer games are programming us ! (no more tv at my home) See monster-kill monster - that simple. Then u have only persuade that Iranian is monster and algorithm will work. I can show many more examples. Horror films get ppl used to see destruction and evil. Its normal, even fun.
We all have cultural matrix within. It was carefully created not by nature, but by pros in psycology in service of the banksters. This makes us automatically do shi_t. Because Larry in the movie do the same ! Its our great patriotic way !. No. Its their way for u.
As always the solution is. We have to re-examine the cultural matrix. Each aspect. And decide for ourselves what is normal and what is not. Ask self why we do this or that. Why its accepted by majority to do. Thats the only way to free of MATRIX CONTROL.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by USSR1

The point about video games is a VERY good one. IN the US, and probably all over the world, teenagers right on up to 30 somethings LOVE their first person shooter games. Its no wonder certain people have trouble distinguishing from a fun pastime (simulated video war games) and reality (war with actual loss of human life).

Basically we have a lot of armchair "war experts" that want their video war games to become reality so they can say stuff like "A real man would use a AK47 in that situation - not a Fazzle Dazzle 621 grenade launching stun gun".

Reminds me of the chatter before a highschool fight. Everyone's adrenaline is going and the people who arent actually fighting tend to spout tall tales of machismo. Then when the principal comes to bust the fighters, all the tall tale telling tough guys are no where to be found.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 08:41 AM
And then we come to the question of all questions. Ppl tell me simple what the freedom is?
When your teenager-son is making killer zombie of him with the help of computer game its freedom ?
When I format his hard drive for that with much scandal - its freedom? Whose? I feel myself ruthless tyrant.
When somebody steal my money its their freedom also ? And where is mine?
When the president order to start war its his freedom ? And what is with the freedom of all other ppl?

Oh well you would say. There is some limitations, i.e. laws ppl have to comply. Ppl have to respect each other and and ...
That is some kind of limited freedom. But ppl, is the limited freedom freedom at all???
It isnt.
For my point of view the absolute freedom have the loving mother caring of her child. Because she dont need laws or something else. She will simply do her best for the child.
So I dream about the future we will care about each other like this. With no need of laws or freedom. Just because we love.

No freedom=absolute freedom = love. Paradox. Ups. Yet unsolved. Any ideas?

War for freedom. War for WHAT? Ups. I dont know.

edit on 17-1-2012 by USSR1 because: to clarify one simple thing

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by RussianBear

Почитай на 3 поста выше ) Тебе не В.В. Матвеев, случайно, об этом форуме документ прислал?

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:24 AM

Russia created the United States the world has today.

YOU sent your entire Atlantic and Pacific Naval fleets to Union ports to help President Lincoln in US Civil War, to end States in America having Sovereignty.

YOU created the enslaver/Big Government responsible for some terrible things on Earth since then. Did you do it to "end slavery"? YOU created a monster which enslaves.

Don't blame the people of America, they died fighting for contain a beast Federal Government.


posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by j10r2

Честно говоря я не в курсе кто такой Матвеев. Просто высказал, что на душе
А чей пост надо посмотреть?

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Pervius

Russia created the United States the world has today.

YOU sent your entire Atlantic and Pacific Naval fleets to Union ports to help President Lincoln in US Civil War, to end States in America having Sovereignty.

YOU created the enslaver/Big Government responsible for some terrible things on Earth since then. Did you do it to "end slavery"? YOU created a monster which enslaves.

Don't blame the people of America, they died fighting for contain a beast Federal Government.


I dont blame. Although its funny to try to make me feel guilty for czar fleet in 1900, that time British empire rule most of the world. And as I know Lincoln may be jew, but not russian?
Now repeat I DONT BLAME. I Wish to help. Because u are very important piece of puzzle, named PLANET EARTH, man. Maybe my view from overseas will help. Maybe not. Just for russian self criticizm is a tradition. For american it is a sign of weakness which lead to such unnaceptable label as LOSER. It is not so. And u ARE NOT. Do not defend, you are not attacked. I truly wish u the best and to come to TRUE DEMOCRACY OF THE HEART.
Dear ppl of America ! Let us be true allies an maybe even friends. I'm not goofy Gorby, but u have the same shi_tpile as we have now - selfish greedy killers at power. Lets dig it out together.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:37 PM
Look carefully! Who is behind all this? Who has long ruled the world? Who controls the white race?

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:17 AM
It is a shame that the Iranian people will probably never get a chance to see this, it really is.
My opinion of Americans has changed dramatically since i have been on ATS and i'm sure that if given a chance others would also change their opinions.

Someone has to stand up and put a stop to this endless killing and hopefully it will be the soldiers themselves, I have faith that there will at least be some that will eventually make a stand and I hope it doesn't hurt them too much.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by USSR1

Не важно
Я об этом форуме случайно прочёл. Зацепили слова Victor_7 и тоже здесь высказался. Я свой пост имел ввиду. Почитал твои, полностью согласен.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 07:48 PM
I agree. I apologize for my countries actions as well. We do not have any influence on our own government anymore so please do not hold this against us personally. We are mostly good people. There are always going to be evil people.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:20 PM
I was enlisted in the Air Force when I was in my late teens. I got removed from the military for insubordination, and I was glad for it.
My reasons for not being a subordinate were simple:

I am a human being first and foremost.
I did not violate any orders that I deemed suitable according to the General Orders and the Geneva Conventions.
I violated the orders that did not fall under those two accords.
I refused to hurt anyone that wasn't hurting me.

The fact that our government is forcing the hand on this means that they have a short memory.
Here's a reminder:'s_letter_to_George_W._Bush

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by glovurm

wikipedia's link is not correct, here is a working one that shows the information I intended to show.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by gravitor

I'm terribly sorry for the spelling error. I had meant to type care. Amazing what one letter will do to the whole context of a sentence? Although I am from Detroit, that being said, I don't have the luxury of giving Iran a car.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:47 PM
I thoroughly second and cosign all that you posted in this thread. I hope so dearly the elites veil is removed soon.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 03:09 PM


posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by apacheman

Friend ...don't get all worked up...cos he meant Apache helicopter gunship and not your race. Have a coke and simmer down.

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