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Traveling among the stars? What about travelling among Galaxies? Would it be possible without telepo

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posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:14 AM
So let's just assume here that advanced aliens exist, and they have the technology to travel among the stars.

How would they do it?

If faster than light travel is possible, let's say...even if it's possible to travel at 100X the speed of light, or even if there is no limit - it would still take some time to get from point A to point B regardless. There would also be hazards when you travel that quickly. It would probably be extremely dangerous with the possibility of say hitting a small space rock or an unmapped black hole...

Well I got to thinking about interstellar travel. And if all these insane theories are correct about wormholes and being able to bend space-time to move instantaneously between two points, that wouldn't really eliminate the need to first get to point B from point A by traditional means, map the coordinates, then create a wormhole or what-not. Correct?

What I'm saying is, I think that even if this kind of "teleportation" technology existed, it is likely that the points would first need to be mapped out by first physically traveling to point B. So an alien race wants to come to earth? They need to first send out a team to Earth by traveling in a linear path, which could even mean moving forward in time by breaking the speed of light. So they would leave all their friends and family behind, travel to Earth and create some kind of portal or whatever to send the rest of their civilization through, but by the time this team reached us, a vast amount of time would have passed on their home planet.

Now obviously this could all be wrong, and maybe the tech would exist to simply jump around the universe on a whim by just somehow mapping a point without first reaching it. What do you guys think?

This begs the question, if alien races need to physically travel to a point in the galaxy before they can move instantaneously between them, would any species ever be able to actually reach another galaxy? The distance would be astronomical, and if they move forward in time when breaking the speed of light, the species would age so much by the time that point was established...

Kind of a rant, I just thought it was an interesting subject. Looking forward to your input. Maybe there are unimaginable differences between life forms in different galaxies, and maybe contact between galaxies is actually near impossible, even for the most advanced races?

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:23 AM
you can theorize anything in a theoretical situation, what im saying is..... nobody here knows that the deal is with worm holes and distant space travel (unless there holding it bck from us!) so to assume a situation from something we dont know anything about dosnt beg any questions other than what you been smoking? . happy christmas, end rant

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:24 AM
Interesting thoughts, if you are not already familiar with Through the Wormhole you should check out this link below. It is all about traveling faster than light and proposed theories. Pretty awesome stuff.

Through the Wormhole

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:27 AM
Oh, Lovecraft, he was a genius! He postulated in his fictional writings upon wanderers between the stars, walking the unseen roads in the vast cosmos. The precept of wormholes seems like a sound concept, and even then, a wormhole between two galaxies would prove daunting in the length of time between ends. Granted, weeks or months sounds a heck of a lot better than thousands of years, but still, on the science fiction shows, we just don't have the time for that sort of travel. If I understand the string theory correctly, and how some scientists perceive the current universe, there might be 'threads' of energy that crisscross the whole of known space....and they could act as superhighways between stars and galaxies. Even then, if we study string and megastring theory in detail, we may come to understand quantum mechanics and dimensional jumping, which would or could prove beneficial to interstellar travel. How else could Lovecraft's Elders walk the stars but by using dimensions unseen by mortal man? Eh, who knows? It makes for great thinking. If it hadn't been for Star Trek, we wouldn't have cell phones and other handy knicknacks today. Some young kid is going to see something either on TV or in a book and wrap their mind around the concept, and make it work... its just a matter of time before we unlock the doors of our three dimensional cage and see what lies on the other side.... what fun!

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by Cole87

Thanks. Bookmarked to watch later

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 12:34 PM
They portal in. And use hyperspace. But things are interconnected and we're in a matrix. We're on a much lower controlled level of perception as to what is reality in a school/test and even for some, doing time in lower realms for bad behavior.

Perceptionally on a higher level, it would be like putting an old dvd on the shelf on and stepping in. In infinity each moment hangs in "space" forever, and only changes as it bumps along. The Universe is compartmentalized in terms of infinite frequencies and space-times, from denser/gravity/guilt to higher realms.

If you program a bot to experience your day in 15 minutes you would disappear from sight and he would be standing still, or nearly to you, and so the clips of the roll of film, only changing with events can be likened to a dvd or even reading a magazine. Higher Ups have a completely different perspective, and its not like mapping out an enormous highly scaled universe. From their perspective earth could be likened to a grain of sand with an infinity within. Though it could also be a layer of a stack of paper, but its not the same thing perceptionally to them as to us.

edit on 25-12-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by 11:11
How would they do it?

Star gates

even if it's possible to travel at 100X the speed of light, or even if there is no limit - it would still take some time to get from point A to point B regardless.

If there was no limit... there would be little time involved

So an alien race wants to come to earth? They need to first send out a team to Earth by traveling in a linear path,

Well a linear path wouldn't work to well since the Earth is moving in about 7 different directions at a total speed of about 1,913,785 miles per hour

So instead of linear a space navigator would need to calculate the vectors
edit on 25-12-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 02:36 PM
My speculation, is that wormholes, [which still have not been proven to exist,] are to fragile to be a viable option for an interstellar starship.

" In studying the Inflationary Era of the early universe, scientists have hypothesized that the universe itself expanded at a rate exceeding that of light shortly after the Big Bang.

In 1994, physicist Miguel Alcubierre published a mathematical model in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity that theoretically allows a ship to warp space by creating a "wave" --- space would contract in front of the ship and expand in the back.

By doing this, the vehicle would be surrounded by a "bubble" [a kind of scaled up ship in a bottle] carrying it from one location to another. In effect, the vessel would remain still while the surrounding bubble moved, reminiscent of how a surfer rides a wave.

This wave of space not only allows for FTL travel, but it would also eliminate some of the messy side effects, such as time distortion and inertial dampening. Unfortunately, it might also take 10.45 joules of energy to create such a warp bubble, which is roughly equivalent to the amount of energy released in a supernova.

Scientists say that although the theory is accurate, it would take significant technological advancements to create a functional warp drive within the next millennium."

Source: Astronomy magazine, Jan. 2012, Future physics, The science of Star Trek
edit on 25-12-2011 by Erno86 because: typo

edit on 25-12-2011 by Erno86 because: spelling

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 09:39 PM
If it was possible to travel easily between habitable planets then Earth may well have been fully colonised prior to the evolution of homo sapiens

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