posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 02:06 PM
Neither Gingrich or Perry were EVER "frontrunners" - except as concocted by MSM in phony polls. The real - and only - GOP frontrunner is Romney.
See this thread here for proof:
Romney = Obama, Visual proof in the Donations
The fact that Gingrich "forgot to file" to get on several states ballots is just further proof that he was never a serious contender, he only threw
his hat into the ring to boost his book sales, and treated all his early campaign stops like PR tours for his book. He was as surprised as anybody
that he became the next "Anti-Romney" frontrunner, and what does that tell us about this field of candidates?
Gingrich is just like Cain - the 2012 candidacy was just a chance for them to strap on their big shoes and don a bulbous red nose and make it the
Clown Tour 2012, and please buy our books. Heck, the 2012-phony-candidacy scam is so good even Trump is getting in on the action, even if he has to
switch to "independent".
The only two viable GOP candidates (Paul and Huntsman) have virtually no billionaire financial backing.
edit on 24-12-2011 by Blackmarketeer
because: (no reason given)