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The economy is in shambles. Debt is sky-high. 50 million Americans on food-stamps. Inflation is to be sky high any time now. Serious job loss to other country's. Serious brain drain to other country's. Trust in the dollar is totally gone in the rest of the world. They are active searching for alternatives. The "policing of the world" is not appreciated by the rest of the world. Starting a war is one thing, stopping it is difficult. The military industrial complex has a strong grip on politics. Monsanto and the FDA have a strong grip on food and medicine, not to your benefit. It seams that health care does not work properly. Americans seem to get used to False flag operations, and afterwards go in denial. A lot of county's and city's have not enough money to do what the have to do. Lay off's of public servants like fireman and police.. A lot of reports about environmental disasters, be it chemical ( like fracking) or nuclear. An infrastructure, like roads, bridges , electricity grid and sewer system that needs repair or total overhaul. A life expectancy for the population that is lowering. A lot of very obese people, due to wrong food. An education system with a big gap in it. The "Have not's" go to a public school, the "Haves"go to private education. Students that can never pay off their debt's.
Originally posted by sailormon
Interesting dream. I had pretty much the same dream, only mine was couched in symbolism, easy to understand however.
When I have dreams that are not really dreams, I find myself with some other being whom is showing me these things. In this one, we were watching some elite couple whom represented many such people, going into hiding as they had a fear of the people, yet laughed and were arrogant to the end. This couple whom were the very top, and very rich as well as having this feeling of being above all, went into their mansion, locked this mighty door and were intent on going to a place that no one could reach them. He laughed at his wife's fear and told her to pack her richest things and they were now in the massive bedroom, secure as can be.
Now, I am taken out into the streets of the country. It teemed with white mice, millions of them, all with one intent, to bring down the rich and the elite. I watched them come up the massive door, calmly gathered together and form a large square, standing on each others shoulders, they were oddly of a singly mind. I did wonder why they needed to open such a large hole in the door, but they did and the piece fell inward, and allowed millions of white mice to enter.
The couple were still in the bedroom packing riches and were unaware of the calm cooperation of the masses, whom seemed to share a consciousness and acted as one. The man looked up in shock as the millions came into his bedroom and was overrun and disappeared under the mice. The woman screamed, and as she did, the whole scene shimmered and went out of focus, only to solidify in a meadow, devoid of all mans makings, the meadow was the most beautiful meadow one could imagine, the man lay dead in the flowers, the woman fell to her knees in wonderment and cried, forgetting about the hoard of mice, she became one with this world and the mice left her alone. Then, they quietly dispersed into this new world like they always belonged there.
Very close to what you dreamed however.