I see this member all over ATS - he/she has a fab avatar of a kitten who's eyes move from side to side. Problem is? I can't remember the
name of the member! *face palm*
Who is it???
I'll post the card here just in case I don't find out!
Merry Christmas! Love your Avatar even if I always forget your name!
And I thought you were asking, who is the kitten. I can tell you that. The kitten is Bob, and every Christmas season the cat get's decorated. This
year we put bells on the cat and sat around with a few beers singing "Bells on Bob's Tail Ring."
Hey, it's all part of my job here. Anything else I can do, just call.
Clicked here because I remember who...
I remember because my newest adopted kitten looks just like his avatar kitten, shifty eyes too!
(pics coming soon) tabby