posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:49 PM
I live in Arizona and though I despise Sheriff Joe for the way he treats his inmates, I oppose illegal aliens. My step-mother came to the US from
Korea back in the 80's. She followed the law and obtained her legal citizenship; IT CAN BE DONE. Arizona has had to "freeze" it's public
healthcare plan for people without children because the system is so strapped for cash. Can you just imagine how much cash would be left if we WERE
NOT proving free healthcare, food stamps and cash assistance to ILLEGAL ALIENS??
It disgusts me that my partner of 12 years can't obtain free health care while she is ILL an unemployed right now. She has chronic conditions which
require medications. My MOTHER, who had a heart attack earlier this year is also being denied free healthcare and may DIE if she can't get to her
doctors and get her meds. She started a new job but their health insurance has a 1 year clause which will not pay for ANYTHING PRE-EXISTING for the
first year of coverage. These are the people that deserve healthcare, not an illegal that has CHOSEN to have six kids, can't speak English and WON'T
get a damn job.
The feds want to have an open border with Mexico and Canada so they can complete their "North American Union" people so WAKE UP. Sheriff Joe may be
hard and he may be corrupt but at least he wants to keep the illegals OUT.