posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 03:34 AM
Just to clarify:
This maybe in the wrong forum,Mods are welcomed to change the forum if needed.
I've had five lucid dreams in my life, but I'll be talking about the most recent two.
1st: (September 2011)
I thought I had awoken...EVERYTHING was in place as it was the previous night...Nothing was different I was just doing what I normally did on a
Thursday morning...I went past the kitchen...My brother and sister were there...And you see they don't live with me..That's when it went lucid...One
of my teachers suddenly appeared in the living room,he said hi to me while he watched belly dancers on the BBC News..(?)
....The dream had been
dragging at bit now, I was screaming to be set free from it....That's when I woke up.
2nd: (This morning)
I was in my house again,it was incredibly windy-It was blowing the back door open. So I went to close it not to let all heat out while my mum was in
the shower,but when I closed the door it just blew back open-I decided not to waste effort and shut the door between the kitchen and living room
instead..At that moment I realised that was the wrong back door...That's when it went lucid...But it took a turn for the worst, as I went back outside
everything stopped,no sound.....Now instead of my awareness being in my mind it was on my eyes,I was able to blink,hear myself breath and freely move
myself....The wind started again now it was much faster,it haunted me...I ran to the front door where in the sky I saw a tornado...Then my new found
awareness stopped and it went black but the deathly howl and moan from wind...I could still hear it, it manifested into a cackle-my blood went cold.I
felt a dread that I have NEVER felt before, a one that consumed me...I thought I was going to die....
I woke up and wrote this thread...
I have known for a while that the way we perceive is thanks to the brain but...After this morning now I understand this 'REAL'ity.
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21-12-2011 by Revelation11 because: ....