posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by thestillborn1
I'm still sitting here in total confusion as to what legitimate reason there was to make this in the first place. During the cold war? Okay....The
Soviet Union had the same level of labs as we did and we were all making better ways to kill each other. We had to make better ways to save ourselves
from those new ways the other guy had to kill us. I get that and understand it.
What exactly is the excuse now? Are Jihadi's supposed to be out in caves and villages making mickey mouse BL 4 Hot Zones to bio-engineer cutting edge
genetic modifications? Really?! If NOT...then what POSSIBLE justification exists for this??
Oh....and here is the chance to kill the bunny. The first one to say Iran is the threat this had to be made to find defense for, will see my head just
pop from sheer overload of propaganda.