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Bible Code- Evidence Seems to be Real !

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posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 02:02 PM
I see no connections between the topic and the link provided to the Noahs Ark on the moon link.

Anyone have a link to this 'bible-code' hoax?

[edit on 9-9-2004 by Ghaele]

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 02:06 PM
Does anyone understand that the bible code is a method of numerology... a "tool of the devil"
if it is valid then even GOD didn't want us to read or listen to it for the same reason that God doesn't want us to listen to tarot cards, or astrology... because a prophesy can be made true by people believing it, instead of allowing Gods plan to come thru...

myself am above these beliefs, but for all the Christians that believe the bible code... god says very clearly... DONT READ IT AND DONT BELIEVE IT!
it is a "tool of the devil" and thru such use no positive gains can be earned.

Now as for my own opinion...
any numerologic code can be used to justify something that has already happened (or is 50% likely to happen like an election)
when bible code numerology starts making predicitons about asteroids that REALLY DO come crash down... then i will repent from my beliefs in a good and just God and ask for forgiveness from the (then) obvious ruler of the world and writter of the bible code... SATAN... for only he is the light giver, the information bringer... the one that invited eve to eat of the apple of knowledge... where god wanted to deny us knowledge because he/she/it wanted us to have free will instead.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 02:12 PM
I was watching a show a couple weeks ago about the bible code. I'm not sure if I believe it all or not. I couldn't get the idea out of my head that similar predictions might come up with any book, such as Gone With The Wind, for example. Has anyone tried using another book to see what the results might yield? Maybe Margaret Mitchell did the same thing when she wrote her book. Or is the bible the ONLY book that reveals all of those prophecies?

Originally posted by JD_Fisha
Who has read the bible code? Well for you people who havent, A man has found hidden messages in the bible about a Nuclear War in 2006.

Im getting a little frightened because as am looking at the news reports etc... it seems to me that the bible code may live upto its purpose!

I will tell you what ive seen thats starting to convince me.
Terrorists have killed them children/adults in the school
(Not a good thing to mess with russia, they have nukes)

Terrorist schemes that have been carried out, 9/11 etc...

And now ive just read that a Noah's Ark mission to the moon may be considered in case of a "Nuclear Houlacost"

Does anyone believe that a nuclear war (maybe not in 2006) may take place soon?

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by JD_Fisha
President Bush will be re-elected and he will serve America again.
I think this will happen. So if the Bible code has predicted it and it happens then i rest my case...

Except that some people have found that bush will win, others that kerry will win

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 10:24 AM
New codes here from time to Kerry codes have been found or at least mentioned on the following bible code website.

I wouldn't say it was pro-Bush because of the other codes on there about him. Let's say it doesn't look peachy for him. We'll keep an eye on a possible Bush re-election, but there is now a new code concerning Laura Bush somewhere around the election time frame. If it were to pan out as well, then things may just go to hell.

So there, two codes to be verified in the not too distant future.

So place your bets and see how events unfold.

Maybe we need an official thread to track this stuff...

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 11:30 AM
To all people who don't understand how a bible code is read.
it is really quite easy... and fake...
find a book... ANY BOOK(except comics) with a bunch of letters in it. do you know how to word find puzzles? you do!..... good....
now decide on a word you will find, like "bush" (the shorter the better, hence so many four or five letter bible codes). then go thru and find the letters that make that word in an evenly spaced lettering gap (every 3-60 letters or so, and will probably occur in the first 10-20 pages)) then take all the letters/words in between the first and last letters of the word "bush" (about a couple of pages worth) and now make a "word find" grid with the letters in order that they appeared. (i.e 50 letters over and 50 letters up) now play the game WORD FIND... wow i found "fly" and "nerd" in line 3 & 4... don't forget to look diagonally, oh and i found the word "butter". so hence bush is a butterfly nerd...
one other little tip that lends credence to the fact that this is "wasting peoples time" is that if you don't find the words that you want to find, then shuffle the columns, and look again... what the bible code people don't tell you is all the words that they find that don't fit into the prediction they are trying to prove. So, they may find "TERROR" right next to "FUN" or "FROLIC", but since it doesn't prove the point, they don't mention it.
just another example of:
enough variables makes any formula useless and coincidental.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
To all people who don't understand how a bible code is read.
it is really quite easy... and fake...
find a book... ANY BOOK(except comics) with a bunch of letters in it. do you know how to word find puzzles? you do!..... good....
now decide on a word you will find, like "bush" (the shorter the better, hence so many four or five letter bible codes). then go thru and find the letters that make that word in an evenly spaced lettering gap (every 3-60 letters or so, and will probably occur in the first 10-20 pages)) then take all the letters/words in between the first and last letters of the word "bush" (about a couple of pages worth) and now make a "word find" grid with the letters in order that they appeared. (i.e 50 letters over and 50 letters up) now play the game WORD FIND... wow i found "fly" and "nerd" in line 3 & 4... don't forget to look diagonally, oh and i found the word "butter". so hence bush is a butterfly nerd...
one other little tip that lends credence to the fact that this is "wasting peoples time" is that if you don't find the words that you want to find, then shuffle the columns, and look again... what the bible code people don't tell you is all the words that they find that don't fit into the prediction they are trying to prove. So, they may find "TERROR" right next to "FUN" or "FROLIC", but since it doesn't prove the point, they don't mention it.
just another example of:
enough variables makes any formula useless and coincidental.

I agree. REmember the world was supposed to go into a nuclear war in 1999 according to some translators of Nostradamus. That didnt happen. When people look for something bad that is all they want to see.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 12:41 PM
Take off Lazarus, I've read your bible thumping spiel elsewhere. On the site of Deny Ignorance, you are the biggest promoter of Ignorance I've seen on here. Sorry, but I won't put my head in the sand. If something is in there, I want to read it. I'm tired of all the religious nut cases and zealots trying to hide stuff, thinking they can keep one over on people.

Oh, get a clue as to how the software operates and the real method as to how the codes are found. Sure the software won't work on the english version of the bible, just hebrew. That's why the software uses biligual databases. It steps through hebrew looking for Equidistant Letter Spaces of what ever you're looking for and if it finds it, it does what it can to properly translate it to english.

And sorry your War and Peace and Moby Dick argument was blown out of the water years ago. Get a real argument and prove it don't work.

Don't go around telling people what to do and think just because you don't like it or it scares you.

And judging by an earlier post you made elsewhere, I believe it does scare you.

So keep your fear to yourself...its stinking up the place.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 12:54 PM
As for Nostradamus, he never left a method behind for deciphering his work, so it would be impossible to really know what he was talking about.
Plus some quatrains were forged a few years back as a hoax. Nostradamus wasn't interested in being burned at the stake back in those days.

Now Mother Shipton is a different situation. She wrote in clear rhymes during the 1400's and was consequently burned at the stake for foretelling the future.

Her end visions match up quite nicely with what's turning up in the bible code searches so far with regard to comet impacts. Only time will tell.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by JD_Fisha
Who has read the bible code? Well for you people who havent, A man has found hidden messages in the bible about a Nuclear War in 2006... And now ive just read that a Noah's Ark mission to the moon may be considered in case of a "Nuclear Houlacost"...

Memo to all you virgins out there: You now have less than 2 years to get laid. Better get to work!

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 05:13 PM
bible codes are just possible outcomes of what may happen in the future, it is not set in stone. and the name jesus would not really be found in bible codes cuz His name is Yeshua.

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 09:58 PM
I believe when the hebrew scriptures are searched, they do produce the word Yeshua, hence Jesus.

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 10:05 PM
the bible code is fake. i made this same thread yesterday and not that many people came on but thtas besides the point. You can find these same codes in Moby DIck and with no doubt in any othe large book

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 10:58 PM
Maybe certain themes abound in any literature of sufficient lenght because it is subconciously introduced by the author as a result of being influence by the "universal conscience" we all supposedly share?

Not that I buy into this whole code thing, but would it not make a little sense that if a great literate tuned their mind to focus on discerning their thoughts into great literary prose that they may be tuning their mental receptors to pick up subconsciously on a 'universal' or 'collective subconscious' that seeks to warn us of certain events/possible events?

I don't believe the Bible Code. the Bible is confusing enough without adding code that could only be deciphered in the digital age. Sheesh.

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