I envision a world where there is no money, no poverty, no needs, where people can spend more time with family and friends, no need to work otherwise
no food etc. i have thought hard how can this be possible. Understanding human psychology being a med student i know no one will work without any
incentives. Also i understand if the basic needs are met people will strive to do what they love doing. A world where an artist finds joy at when
people admire their painting, a musician when someone downloads their songs with geting nothing in return from the person downloading. And i wish to
propose a system just for that. Our planet is a big mess with so much of suffering. We are the single most intelligent species on the planet and we
end up exploiting, profiteering and killing which stops our development as a species to find peace and joy. Here is my vision.
Firstly i see a world without money. But something similar i call credit. Credit cannot be transfered from one person to another
I will start of with the basics. Well i propose that all basic and above basic needs be a birthright. Food, healthcare, shelter,
entertainment(amusement parks, threaters, T.V, music), communication, regional transport be for free.
But without work no society can progress. But hard work should NOT be forced onto someone. Working hours per week should be around 5 to 10. Even
without work a person should live comfortably. And when people have no work i agree most will sit at home, but equally as many will DO WHAT THEY LOVE.
But for a few minutes a day everyone must do basic unskilled work like cleaning the streets to serving at restaurants. Work should be cycled. One week
this, next another work. Everyone is considered equal in society. Now for skilled work. If you like painting, you will make countless amount of art
and according to your popularity you will earn credit. If you like science, you will study and become a scientist and will earn credit by your work.
This will extra credits above the basic equal credits earned by all by the few hours of work a week. All the extra hours will be for the person to do
what he likes. If i like designing cars or medicine to help i will do so and earn credits according my contribution. Then i beleive people won't work
just to earn bread but will give their maximum effort in doing what they like.
In this system there will be no big corporations or companies harming people to get cash into their pockets. There will be a government body which
will run all factories and hospitals schools etc. as the is no money and transr of money corruption is highly impossible. A person would be a leader
if only he geniunely wants to leed. If his rating goes down, he gets less credits and eventually loses his job. Everyones credits must be public and
the way he earned it must be visible to all. In this system people will genuinely work to help one other or just do what they like doing the most. One
has no need to be a doctor if he only looks forward to being a doctor only to earn big. So quality of service provided will increase. If you are
thinking why would a waiter who is just doing his basic 5 hours per week compulsory job be nice to you while serving your coffee. Well if his service
is good by you he will automatically earn extra credits like tips. Also, elective jobs pay according to the contribution by the person, not by time,
which is the case for compulsory jobs. So in that case no one is above the other, no single job is better.
So in this society a person needs to do his 5-10 hours daily job, if he wishes he can do more. And he can life a very happy and content life. If he
wishes to do something he likes he can earn from it and be better off.
I wish to propose this system to ATS because i know there are flaws, i was hoping people will point out, ok so what happens to this and that in this
system. Will get me thinking.
Wishing everyone a happy day!
edit on 19/12/11 by asen_y2k because: (no reason given)
edit on 19/12/11 by asen_y2k because: (no reason given)