posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by RSF77
You're welcome.
Ron Paul has got to be scaring the BeJesus out of the establishment right now. The troops support him, cause they know they'd get to come home, for
one reason. But can you imagine the CEO's of Northrop, GE, and McDonnel -Douglas? No war= much less need for their war products. Sure, still there
are international arm sales. In fact, with the massive arms sale to Iraq (Billions of $), I am starting to wonder if that wasn't a primary reason,
not oil. At least not oil at first.
And we need to take out every single one of their lobbyists, and get them away from anywhere near Washington.
The Fed must be freaking. Israel has got to be livid. Left all alone to deal with their own savagery. Ha.
And I'll bet South Korea doesn't want all those US troops to leave now with a new madman on the scene called Kim-un.
Even the Mexicans and drug cartels probably don't want Ron Paul either. Heck, he'd push to end the war on drugs and secure the lucrative drug border
with all the troops that just came home.
But darnit, they've had it their way for way too long. It's time for REAL change. Ron Paul will SCHOOL Obama on what the word CHANGE really
He just needs a chance. And looks like, he's got one this time around.