posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 08:15 AM
From Australia, Tasmania to be exact. I stumbled on this site when searching for answers. What I found was a lot of like-minded people asking the
same questions. Surely with our advanced souls we must have more answers within than we realise and collectively who knows what we can do. Anything
positive would be an improvement for the environment, realising what we are here for will lessen our our collective fears and sharing the good stuff
has to raise the energy of the planet as a whole.
I look forward to meeting new friends here.
A little about me: Middle child of five, previously married, never blessed with children, worked most of my life as an accountant, now work in the
disability sector, have enjoyed the many aspects of hospice care as a volunteer, am currently eating a bar of Cadbury chocolate and a glass of beer...
yes all at the same time as typing this. Ain't life weird and grand!
Hi, I'm known as Cathy.