I think OWS and Anonymous are doing a tremondous job of highlighting the wrongs in our society.
Were all individuals .... We are all Equal.... and the resources of this planet should be shared equally...
But what we have is a control mechanism designed to make certain people wealthy and powerful and
the majority slaving away to make sure they stay in profit.... This scam is run by the Monarchies, the Governments, the banks, the big companies they
are all in the big club designed to put people down...
First of all a few scenarios of reality :
Energy or electricity can be generated for free.........
Nicola Tesla in the late 1920`s lit up the whole of New York without one single light bulb being plugged in?
Further from that magnetic energy is free and very powerful
theres probably better links but you get the idea.....
So Oil and Nuclear generated power sources that destroy the planet but are highly profitable are
fed us instead ....Whearas we have free energy we could utilise and have more money to spend ... more business ,,, more jobs
Freedom .....
In the UK Diesal costs more than unleaded ? It never used too but as people began to use less carbon fuel
they hiked the price of the cheapest fuel for the cause of not losing massive profit ....
Same as Domestic Gas and Electricity keep hiking the price as they have outrageous profit margins
they need to sustain .....
So as a consumer your geting ripped off royally for if your buy less to budget you pay more ... So you can
never win .....
Imagine once the SuperMart takes hold which their working towards and an end to all local shops ....
Milk will be ten fold .... Bread will be ten fold ......
We are the consumer and profit slaves to these people and we do not get a fair deal we get the raw deal ....
How do we stop this ? How do we protect our families and friends from the greatest rip off of all human history.
I have an Anwser but it needs help from a organisational level from someone like Anonymous
and it needs the good spirit and guile of all free human beings to stick by it ....
In the UK you have for instance BP OIL .... So you get everyone to boycott BP garages or it could Shell.... Texaco it dont matter whose first .... But
you shun the company and try if god willing and we all in it together we bring it to its knees.... Then we move on to Shell so on .....
With Energy EON you get everyone to switch energy provider to Scottish power or whoever ... but one by one
we bring them down but soon they will have to change their tune as they see themselves going into oblivion.
With big stores like Wallmart it has already begun or ASDA its called in the UK ... Lets bring it down and move on the next tax dodging S.O.B like
Tesco ....
I cannot implement this thats why I addressed the idealogy to anonymous hoping they would see my point of view and I would stand with what we are told
to boycott... Wallmart is a non entity to me already ....
If your thinking who are you to suggest we should do this !
Well I am Author Robert Wakefield
I wrote the Year Zero the beginning of the end
I am not shying away from facing the absolute evil that is facing now!
Heres a frigtening clip from a book I wrote in 2005 ....interest only ...
see how its like looking at a mirror now . To see how on the ball I am.
This post is very important to me .... We can Win ,,, Soldarity the Polish called it .....
We are all together as human beings we can be like a huge John Wayne telling the NWO to get out of here...
We are 99% consumer power and they are 1% consumer power ... Lets 99% consumer power tell the 1%
where they can get their social security from in 10 years times ...
The times they are changing ...... We have the power ... All we need is guidence to good ideals and to stick
together .....
God Bless
edit on 12/16/2011 by tothetenthpower because: -Mod Edit- Title All Caps