Since most everybody has basic TV, just wanna send you all a reminder Ron Paul will be on the Tonight show, tonight.. as will Joe Rogan, a big Paul
supporter (he will be rocking a Ron Paul t-shirt)
check it out if you are staying home, or tivo it.. and leave your comments if you watch it!
he is smarter and not crooked like most our politicians... however, I think he loves his schedule right now (ufc, stand up, fear factor) and might be
too young
and I don't think him smoking a bong in the oval office would go over to well with the DEA. But taking into account all the thing that have happened
in that room it wouldn't even be in the top 10.
Thanks for posting this information....I have the tonight show on right is around 11:50PM PST.....he hasn't come on yet. I certainly have
noticed this week that Ron Paul is getting a lot more mention and attention in the MSM...which is great!