posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 05:14 PM
Hi ATS, my name is Michael, belgian, born in 1984. Lived 10 years in Spain where I was a web developer/manager. I moved back last year to join the
army and joined the paracommando unit. (SAS)
Things Im interested in:
- Physics: this field still holds many mysteries especially on the quantum level.
- Ancient history: started with reading von daniken, WOW, he opened my eyes! Egypt, Mayans, Easter Island, Baalbek,...
- UFOs: Nasa videos and photos, are the most interesting to me, Nasa has 'credibility'
- Free energy: when I heard of Nikolai Tesla, you all know, why isnt there free energy around yet. How many times do we need to invent free energy!
And much more, monetary system, society, ...
All these topics are collected in this wonderfull community which I hope to join and will be my honour to be an ATSer.
Hope you got to know me a bit, cheers.