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US Justice Dept releases findings regarding MCSO and they are right on!

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posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 07:42 AM
Up early and saw this on the Yahoo news first so I went digging. Here's what the US Justice Department had to say about Sheriff Joe and his MCSO cronies....

In June 2008, the Justice Department began its investigation of MCSO. Our investigation initially focused on allegations that MCSO was engaging in discriminatory policing and discrimination in its jails. As with all of our investigations, our mission here was, and will continue to be, to determine the truth. We did not begin this investigation with any preconceived notions. Rather, we followed all logical leads and conducted a full and thorough review.

Yeah.... BIG surprise there! Sheriff Joe has been able to stonewall most investigations in to his operations. Hell, he's even threatened the Arizona Attorney general in the past! Moving on....

First, we found that MCSO engages in a pattern or practice of unconstitutional policing; specifically, MCSO engages in racial profiling of Latinos, and unlawfully stops, detains and arrests Latinos.

YEAH!!!!!!! Someone FINALLY said it! Someone had the cojones to say Sheriff Joe's boys are acting like racists!!

Second, we found that MCSO unlawfully retaliates against people who criticize its policies and practices.

No way, really?? LOL So threatening to jail people and their families because they try to stand up to really IS wrong?

Third, we found reasonable cause to believe that MCSO operates its jails in a manner that discriminates against Latino inmates that are limited English proficient. We find that MCSO routinely punishes Latino inmates that are limited English proficient when they fail to understand commands given in English, and denies critical services that are provided to other inmates. These actions violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

And here I thought most businesses in Arizona liked hiring people that were bilingual. Apparently Sheriff Joe doesn't believe his KKK boys should speak Spanish as well as English. There is a lot more that they have to say so I encourage everyone to read the full report HERE

Now lets see if anyone actually does anything to try to change the situation!

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 07:53 AM
You know, it's funny...When it's to the benefit of one area in the political arena, the will of the voter shall not be questioned, second guessed or challenged in any way, EVER. However, if the politics aren't to people's liking, well now...We'll just see about correcting the mistakes made by a naive public.

I'd just note that Sheriff Joe is one thing, regardless of what else people may think of him. He's a winner. He's not just won, he's OWNED every election he's run to re-election in his post as Maricopa County Sheriff.

His tactics may offend...and the fact he doesn't much care about political correctness at any level really burns butts in Washington, but that is the joy of the United States....or it USED to be. If you like the man, move there. If you don't, move away. The voters decide the rest, as well they have...repeatedly.

So..Okay. Persecute Sheriff Joe into his retirement. I think it's obvious by now, he really can't be bothered to care much either way. In the mean time, he represents everything that is RIGHT about America to my thinking...and the principles embodied by the 10th amendment and State's rights.

Don't like life under Joe? Seek it elsewhere or run against him.....just give the approach of stomping the will of the voters by court room or executive decree a rest. That is the way of the Soviet, not American systems.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
Don't like life under Joe? Seek it elsewhere or run against him.....just give the approach of stomping the will of the voters by court room or executive decree a rest. That is the way of the Soviet, not American systems.

Are kidding me?

Did you read what he did? The Soviets blindly followed popular leaders. This guy can't outside of the law, a sheriff does not have that authority. These people need to elect governors and senators who will pass policy they support.

Lol, I really can't tell some time wrabbit if you are using sarcasm.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by CREAM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
Don't like life under Joe? Seek it elsewhere or run against him.....just give the approach of stomping the will of the voters by court room or executive decree a rest. That is the way of the Soviet, not American systems.

Are kidding me?

Did you read what he did? The Soviets blindly followed popular leaders. This guy can't outside of the law, a sheriff does not have that authority. These people need to elect governors and senators who will pass policy they support.

Lol, I really can't tell some time wrabbit if you are using sarcasm.

Actually, yeah... I've followed Sheriff Joe's career fairly closely for years. Given the fact Maricopa county was a part of my regular life as a produce trucker for years, it was in my best interest to know if 'ol Joe was up to something that might impact trucking in the area. I laugh at his pink jails, but I had no intention of visiting one.

Actually, I agree and disagree about what a Sheriff can or cannot do. In point of fact, a county Sheriff, in most locations, is the most powerful elected officer holder in the jurisdiction, bar none, period. FEW Sheriff's have the nerve to push that authority quite like Sheriff Joe or a couple others in Nevada, but they do have the power to operate inside the law...right to the outer edges OF it and FAR beyond that of a Police Department with it's full structure of red tape to stop innovation or creative law enforcement.

People LOVE a low crime rate and safe streets....but absolutely detest what it takes to get that. Rudy was praised by some and absolutely hated by others in New York City for doing what it took there.....and Sheriff Joe is hated by plenty for what he does. Like I said though, the voters love 'em and that is all that ought to matter if Maricopa County. Outside it? Elect a Sheriff more to your liking. Inside it? The voters have spoken, overwhelmingly and multiple times. Obama and Aunt Janet are peeing into a strong wind on this one.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 08:29 AM
So wait.... I just want to make sure I have this right Wrabbit2000. You SUPPORT Sheriff Joe intimidating, threatening and jailing people that have tried to investigate and oppose him? Do you also think it's ok that the Sheriff has wasted millions of Arizona taxpayers dollars on his witch hunts, lost lawsuits and his comfy office?

"The county has paid for General Liability coverage for the period 3-1-95 to 3-1-08 total premiums of $11,345,609.50."

Keep in mind that this liability coverage figure is high, in part, because of all those lawsuit payoffs to relatives of dead inmates.

From 1995 to 1998, the county paid $328,894 a year for an insurance policy with a $1 million deductible.

Today, Maricopa County pays a yearly premium of $1.2 million for outside insurance with a $5 million deductible. For any lawsuit that costs $5 million or less, the county foots the entire bill. It's the best policy the county can buy because of Arpaio's terrible track record.


Maricopa County sheriff's director David Hendershott ordered detention officer David Cool to produce a false memo suggesting former sheriff's employee Tom Bearup was plotting to "attack" the sheriff's office with explosives, Cool alleges in a letter to County Attorney Rick Romley.

Cool's letter, which contains other allegations of improper conduct by sheriff's officials, was placed into court records last week by a Maricopa County judge over the objections of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's attorney, who wanted it kept secret.

On April 27, Cool, a detention officer in Madison Street Jail, submitted a six-page letter to Romley containing several allegations about Hendershott's order to create the false memo, Hendershott's involvement with posse money, and Arpaio's intention to "#" Romley. Cool asked for protection under the state's whistle-blower statutes.


David Hendershott is a WHOLE different story in this saga. The man "retired" and is collecting his pension from the state and Sheriff Joe hired him back on as a "consultant" and fellow law breaker.

Dave Hendershott, the former top aide for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, s apparently was worried enough about being charged with crimes that he hired a legal firm to help him.

That wouldn't be a problem -- except he may have gotten the county to pay the bills.

Hendershott sometimes used county money like it was his own. The recently released documents detail how Hendershott reportedy used posse money for personal gain on at least two occasions, both of which revolved around a youth baseball league for which his son played.


Corruption and more corruption in that office.......
edit on 16-12-2011 by DJDigitalGem because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 08:36 AM
Here's what some public officials have to say about the report....

For a lot of people, particularly the people who've been raising these issues on Sheriff Arpaio for a long time, there is a certain level of validation to what they're saying.

There's so much politically at stake here, even if you support Arpaio you should support public safety first and look at this objectively. If you do that, regardless of where you fall on the issue of immigration, which has been his national profile, we're talking about public safety in his community, Maricopa County, that it is not happening the way it should be.
-- U.S. Rep.Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz.

Arpaio should resign because "I truly think that is the only way to resolve this. The findings vindicate what the community has been saying was going on. When you terrorize this community - and cavalierly do it - and put yourself above the rule of law, the United States of America will not stand for it.
-- Maricopa County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox

House Democrats appreciate the U.S. Department of Justice's hard work and diligence in authoritatively bringing some of these issues to light and showing that grave injustice has been done by our state's largest county public safety agency. The damage that people in Arizona have endured is truly reprehensible, embarrassing and wrong. This is not the principle on which our nation or our state was founded, and according to the findings, Sheriff Arpaio has not done his job of serving and protecting families, but did just the opposite of instilling fear and harming families, much like corrupt police of a third-world country.
-- House Minority Leader Chad Campbell, D-Phoenix (District 14)


posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 08:44 AM

So wait.... I just want to make sure I have this right Wrabbit2000. You SUPPORT Sheriff Joe intimidating, threatening and jailing people that have tried to investigate and oppose him? Do you also think it's ok that the Sheriff has wasted millions of Arizona taxpayers dollars on his witch hunts, lost lawsuits and his comfy office?
reply to post by DJDigitalGem

What I believe on this report and investigation is that it's one of the most politically motivated pieces work out of the U.S. Justice Department in quite some time. DOJ and Immigration (Political administrations anyway) have been after Sheriff Joe since well before Obama came to power. Bush just didn't have the courage to try and take on Sheriff Joe for the obvious issues it would have brought in actually attacking a man who was DOING what Bush gave lip service to.

Now, if we see a fully independent investigation (If such a thing is even possible anymore) that confirms a systemic and institutional violation of people's rights in a REAL sense and not simply on every technical point of law an investigation with an agenda can find or fabricate, then I will certainly be open to hearing about what nasty-bad things the MCSO has been up to over the years.

Sheriff Joe makes an outstanding point in public for the defense of his Sheriff's Office though. He HAS been and continues to be investigated left and right, several times a year, every year by none other than the ACLU and other well known groups like La Raza. All have come up blank for actionable proof of any systemic wrong doing...and I doubt that ever changes in any real way. If it does... Call me. I'm not holding my breath.

Until then, how can we stand back on ATS and pick to pieces SOME of what DOJ does as corrupt and totally devoid of conscience or good faith like Fast and Furious or the Black Panther thugs at the polling places, yet take this report as 100% Gospel Truth? I don't and I won't.

That's basically where we probably go our separate ways. Some will see this report as vindication of statements against Joe for years. I just see it as more political garbage running into an election year. In fact, it's garbage they've been giving teasers about like a bad movie trailer since Obama took office. This is all they got eh?

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
So..Okay. Persecute Sheriff Joe into his retirement. I think it's obvious by now, he really can't be bothered to care much either way. In the mean time, he represents everything that is RIGHT about America to my thinking...and the principles embodied by the 10th amendment and State's rights.

Don't like life under Joe? Seek it elsewhere or run against him.....just give the approach of stomping the will of the voters by court room or executive decree a rest. That is the way of the Soviet, not American systems.

At first I thought this was just a bit of sarcasm, but after reading your subsequent post, I've come to realize that you're actually serious. Didn't the south defend slavery with the same argument of "State's Rights?" If you don't like being a slave then move to another state, really? Please! This is the part of the Tea Party mentality that's really scary.

The United States is a nation founded on the principles of law & order and that means the courts definitely have a role to play. After all, that's why the U.S. supreme court, or "the judicial branch," is one of the three branches of our federal government. The courts are in place to insure that our society adheres to this nations laws as they are currently written and if the voting public disagrees with their rulings, their only recourse is to change the law as currently written by enacting new legislation and/or constitutional amendments.

Regardless of what Rick Perry or Newt Gingrich may think, public sentiment does not give a state the right to ignore federal law and just because some people don't agree with their rulings doesn't give them the right to recall justices, eliminate entire courts and/or subpoena justices before congress. The three branches of government were established by our founding fathers as a means by which to insure a system of checks & balances and to suggest that any one branch has authority over another is extremely dangerous and destructive.

"We the people" hold the ultimate authority but that authority must be exercised through due process. The constitutional amendment currently being offered by congressman Bernie Sanders regarding corporate personhood is a perfect example of how the process is supposed to take place. The courts make a ruling based on current law, if the "people" of this nation disagree with that ruling, they have the option to change the law. Hence the term, "checks & balances."

S&F to the OP! Personally, I think it's high time that sheriff Joe be removed from office. I think that in the end it's his choice, resign or face being dressed in pink and locked up in one of his own tent city jails.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Flatfish

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
So..Okay. Persecute Sheriff Joe into his retirement. I think it's obvious by now, he really can't be bothered to care much either way. In the mean time, he represents everything that is RIGHT about America to my thinking...and the principles embodied by the 10th amendment and State's rights.

Don't like life under Joe? Seek it elsewhere or run against him.....just give the approach of stomping the will of the voters by court room or executive decree a rest. That is the way of the Soviet, not American systems.

The United States is a nation founded on the principles of law & order and that means the courts definitely have a role to play. After all, that's why the U.S. supreme court, or "the judicial branch," is one of the three branches of our federal government. The courts are in place to insure that our society adheres to this nations laws as they are currently written and if the voting public disagrees with their rulings, their only recourse is to change the law as currently written by enacting new legislation and/or constitutional amendments.

I know some seemed to think I was kidding and I'm sorry for that misunderstanding. In a nation of growing lawlessness and total disrespect for that rule of law you mention, this Sheriff is one of the good guys, fighting the good fight. He may have some issues with how he does it at times, but the alternative is the same limp wristed 'do-nothing' approach that most Law Enforcement have taken on to follow the path of least resistance.

You mention laws and how we are a nation of laws. Indeed, we are...and so I find that argument most Ironic of all when Sheriff Joe landed on the radar of Justice and Immigration officials clear back in the early days of George W. Bush. IF the federal government actually followed that rule of law you mention, Arizona, Sheriff Joe and others wouldn't be put in the position of having to skirt their own laws to deal with the problems federal LACK of enforcement has caused.

Oh well.. Like so much on ATS, this is definitely a subject of radical extremes to opinion. Some would be happy with no borders at all. I'd like to see over 12 million illegals located, arrested, prosecuted to get them into our system here, then immediately deported on suspended sentences to be served if they ever return. Sheriff Joe is closest to a man in power working in the same direction...and so I DO support him 100% for that, among many other reasons.


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