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The PTB appear to be on target.

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posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:27 PM
I find myself increasingly fascinated by the accomplishments of the PTB especially when you consider the pressures that they have been under. Sure, they are finding it difficult to contain economic meltdown and the environment question has grown too big to hide under the carpet but on most fronts they have been performing admirably.

If I was on their side I would be feeling pretty positive about their ability to successfully pull off their grand agenda over the coming months. A couple or so years ago I thought they were on the ropes but they have rallied beyond expectation.

The big collapse hasn't occurred and they have buttressed their position of strength. Someone is going to have to pull a bunny out of the hat to save us serfs. Any magicians out there?

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Juran

IMO the impending collapse was planned. America's current capitalistic system was not meant to be long-term.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:23 PM

Funny how it's all about perspective...I've never seen the PTB so fragile and on the verge of collapse.

The economic meltdown is all planned, but it's not going according to their plan.

Also, I find it funny that their toys are being hacked right now, eh? The most advanced technological navigation planes, easily hacked within days? We're not talking about shooting them down, we're talking about taking the steering wheel and landing in it Iran. Supposedly, these are reverse engineered plane (yes yes, I'm throwing the ET technological argument here...), so how can they feel safe now?

As I said, it's all a perspective, all they're doing now is running in despair...

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Gab1159

Funny how it's all about perspective...I've never seen the PTB so fragile and on the verge of collapse.

The economic meltdown is all planned, but it's not going according to their plan.

Also, I find it funny that their toys are being hacked right now, eh? The most advanced technological navigation planes, easily hacked within days? We're not talking about shooting them down, we're talking about taking the steering wheel and landing in it Iran. Supposedly, these are reverse engineered plane (yes yes, I'm throwing the ET technological argument here...), so how can they feel safe now?

As I said, it's all a perspective, all they're doing now is running in despair...

Well okay, I agree with you its all very fragile and possibly teetering but you could, and indeed can, say the same about life itself. It is the ability of the PTB to keep everything propped up when confronted with so much pressure that amazes me and it is only being achieved through the utmost dedication and determination of the team players. I don't see any reason why their success albeit tenuous cannot be maintained throughout the end- game. They still have the power and the resources, that is the crux.

edit on 29/09 by Juran because: none

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by prepared4truth
reply to post by Juran

IMO the impending collapse was planned. America's current capitalistic system was not meant to be long-term.

You make it sound like collapse is inevitable. What is critical I think is the timing. The PTB are frantic to prop everything up and hold everything together until a specific time. If they cannot hold it all together through to the end then they lose. The end is obviously not far off. I do not see them losing, meaning I do not see the collapse coming in time to save us serfs.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 07:58 PM
What you are seeing as regards the 'fragility' of TPTB is merely a snake sloughing off it's old worn out skin.
They have done this before when they deposed rule by Royalty and Religion - to usher in the modern era.

Now the villains are the Tyrants the Bankers the elites etc - all this AGW, Eco sustainability stuff, whilst intrinsicly worthwhile is to be their new 'raison d'etre, their new control system.

You will never be able to grasp the complete mastery of human affairs that TPTB has unless you recognise that its source is non human and non physical - all the various layers of elites etc are being used in one fashion or another as useful idiots.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Well JonnyBGood you patronizing tone doesn't become you. Of course I am aware of the non-physical factor possibly more so than yourself but I am not talking about that side of things. It is the physical world that the game is being played and I am saying that in spite of the difficulties facing them the PTB are holding their own whether you like it to face the truth or deny it.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Juran

Well I am sorry - I certainly didn't mean to patronise anyone. But as far as the non physical aspect (archonic influence) - that seems to be in everyone and I think that is why they have such pervasive influence and mastery over world events. It seems to me the elites, following their various agendas are being used as dupes and that is why their plans seem to go awry.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Okay, I get you but I think you are reading too much into the situation. The elites as you call them are far from stupid. They are where they are because they sold themselves out back in the begining and have been well rewarded for their unstinting loyalty. They weren't duped, they know the score and they know the price of failure just as their controllers do. Their committment is total because there is no turning back - its win at all costs but not without being limited to playing to certain rules. If they didn't have to observe those rules they wouldn't be juggling so many things and shamelessly doing all they can to prop things up to maintain a sense of 'normallity' .

Time will tell.


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