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500lb Couple Jump Over Volcano... And Survive. Wait... What?

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posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:20 PM
Did you click because you to thought this sounded to crazy to be true? I thought so!

I always found it quite fascinating that any movie or depiction in a SHTF scenario is of people that are very fit, and healthy. Rarely will you see a film with a 500lb. couple running away from a volcano, or jumping across a canyon.

Survival is important, and being realistic about what you can physically do is just as important as the amount of supplies you have. You can have 6 months worth of gear and food, and cant walk a mile to get water.

Here lies the problem.

Since I have written here often and enjoy learning and sharing about survival, I thought I would take it to the next level, and be realistic about a problem that is currently affecting millions of people. Obesity.

Most of us can talk about our weaponry, hunting skills, and gear, but what about your weight and health and how those skills though helpful, your weight, or knowing your body and how long you can be without is just as important.

I want to share a pdf, that can pretty much help with figuring out what you need, and to be realistic about how you or others around you can manage, with or without.

IMHO this can actually change alot of the things that you have, and you may need to overhaul, by adding or subtracting some of the things that you already have, by being prepared in a whole different way.

I for one have a rare blood type, and if THSTF I have to know that if I am wounded or need blood I have to be better prepared. My friend is overweight, and I know that I have as far as rations are concerned that she will need less calories, then me because of her weight, so not to make things harder, or make one of us weaker, we have to do things in the best interest of everyone.

Factors Affecting How Long You Can Live Without Food
Though there can be no exact numbers, experience has shown there are limits to how long humans can go without food before unmistakable signs of starvation set in.
How long you can live without food depends upon a host of factors including:
Initial state of health:
Those who are physically healthy and have been consuming plenty of good nutritious food have an advantage. During the start of a food shortage their systems are fully stocked to begin with. During food shortages your body can draw from this supply of nutrients and extend the length of time you can live without eating.
Amount of muscle on the body:
Muscle is broken down by a starving body and used for both fuel and nutrients. On the other hand, even at rest lean muscle burns calories.
Amount of body fat:
Each pound of body fat contains about 3600 calories, enough energy for the average person for about a day and half. During a survival situation when there is not enough food to eat, a few extra pounds can come in handy. Indeed, gaining weight when food is plentiful is an important survival mechanism.
Your metabolism will be a factor in determining how long you can live without food:
Individual metabolisms vary. As you go without food your metabolism will naturally slow, but those people who are already starting from a lower baseline will have an advantage in using less calories and therefore living longer.
The amount of work we are performing while going without food:
Being active requires increased amounts of calories and nutrients. If you are forced to live without food, the less active you can remain the longer you will last.

The temperature of your environment has a direct bearing on how long you can live without food:
Below a comfortable temperature your body will be expending additional calories as it attempts to stay warm. In hot environments your body will expend additional calories in trying to say cool, and your body will be loosing precious electrolytes via your sweat. When stressed by lack of food you are more susceptible to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
If you can stay adequately hydrated you can live without food for a longer period of time than if there were shortages of food and water together.

By fully knowing and taking into consideration what people can do, and what people need to be assigned in order for everyone to survive, you have to be real about all aspects. This is no way to make it seem like obese people cant help or be part, this actually makes it easier, and less of problem later down the road, by preparing appropriately so everyone has a chance.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:28 PM
Over the past year, I've gained 50lbs and have become pretty inactive, besides jogging a couple miles daily. For about 6 months, I've been trying to drink 32oz-48oz of freshly juiced vegetable and fruits. I'm not handicapped in anyway nor do I have old injuries that hold me back.

I feel pretty confindent

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:30 PM
i was like 205 lbs, 165 now. got in shape. THANKS TONY HORTON !

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 05:18 PM
Good topic that many fail to address when it comes to survival.

Let me state "MY" opinion....... or at least my thoughts on the subject.

1. You do need to be very aware of your physical limitations

2. You don't have to be in peak, perfect condition to have a chance at surviving.

3. Some extra body fat could be a benefit when times get lean or you are in a no food situation.

I am about 50 pounds overweight, I am 6' 2" and weigh 295 pounds.

When I am about 250 I am actually thin and in great shape.

Yeah I am fat but also I am also very active at work. I walk between 8 - 10 miles everyday M-F and do manual labor which usually involves shoveling gravel, raking dirt, up and down stairs A LOT, carrying heavy items (75-200 lbs.)
So although I am overweight it is not all fat. On Saturday we usually go on hikes in the desert or mountains and usually cover between 5 - 8 miles with no problems.

I am sure there are MANY people on here that could put me to shame but I am also not a blubbering mound of jello that can't do what needs to be done.

Just because you are overweight don't mean you can't be in decent shape. I know that don't sound like it makes sense but it does.

I am overweight, fat, big boned or whatever you want to call it but I know thin people and people in "good shape" that I can hike circles around.
edit on 15-12-2011 by mwood because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:07 PM
Wanted to give this a bump, as I feel that it is overlooked, but very important. Especially in a SHTF scenario.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:09 PM
Relative fitness depends on the situation, such as long term and short term.

Rather than go into intricate details, I will stick with a few rules of thumb here.

Walking: You should be able to walk 3-5 miles without having to stop to rest. In easy, level terrain 3-5 miles should take about an hour give or take 15 minutes. Moderate terrain of light undergrowth or rolling fields, you should be able to travel 20-30 miles per day in good weather (ie summertime, 70-80 degrees F). When you have reached your daily limit, tired is okay. Exhaustion to the point of collapse to sleep is not.

Level of strenuous work: You should be able to use an axe or hatchet. (Or baton a knife) to split all the wood you will need for a day within 1-2 hours. In a long term situation, this may become a daily chore. Or conversely you can pick a day of the week to do such chopping and splitting.

In periods of travel, shelter is a daily thing. You can either carry it with you or be able to make adequate shelter daily. If you are building each day, that is an activity that must be completed before you eat...sometimes before even you start a fire or gather wood for cooking.

Lightweight, easy up shelter that I have not tried but seems practical for warmer or short term conditions. Definitely has a weight advantage as well as double duty as a poncho.

So while being able to bench 200 lbs is handy, that alone is not the skill set that needs to be developed the most. Overall endurance is far more key to survival.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I completely agree with you NRE and I believe there are way too many people who with knowledge of their conditions but do not accept this psychologically which is ultimately a weakness.

Thank you.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 07:40 AM
so the TLDR version of this thread is

an overweight person has a higher chance of surviving a SHTF scenario..

sweet! pizza hut here i come!

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