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Six Waltons Have More Wealth Than the Bottom 30 % of Americans(wal-mart)

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posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by CREAM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by baddmove

What would you do to fairly redistribute that wealth? That's a serious question, I always mean to ask but forget.

Put tariffs on imports. Walmart would go bankrupt, in the mean time, manufacturing jobs would come back to the US and small new retailers would boom, employment rates would skyrocket. Whhaa bam.

But what about all the poor people in china? They would all be out of a job then we would be even more evil than when we "made" them work for pennies a day making the crap we buy. Seems like a catch 22 to me. Perhaps even puts the blame back on the people who are willing to work for such low costs and their governments for allowing it to happen in the first place. Gee maybe the people who are being "slaved"out should group together and change things, I bet if they had a union they'd be all peachy!!!! End sarcasam.
Back to reality I am all for bringing the jobs back home, but as little as those people do make you do have to take into account that they would lose all that money that we give them, but perhaps it would be for the better then they would see how they were getting screwed and vow to not let it happen again. Definitely a touchy situation to say the least.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by nightstalker78
Take it up with walmart.I don't run the company.I standby what I said.How you feel about it is your business.If you're so worried about it do something about it instead of posting on ATS about how evil they are.

Right now I am protesting via the internet. I do community service IRL. Not much else I can do as I have a life. Your complacent mentality created the problem and is the sole cause of it. People like me waking others up so they give a s$i## is the only way change has ever, and can ever, happen. Nothing changes if each individual does not change their mentality over time.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 10:28 PM
What a hell of a lot of economic noobs in here don't realize, is that an economy only thrives through small business and enterprise.
Having 50 small stores in a high street will create jobs for maybe 250 people, one small Wal-Mart can take away those 50 stores, and how many people would that Wal-Mart employ, and what wage will those people be earning?

Then, those 50 small businesses invest back into that community too. They buy their stock from other local businesses, their employees spend their (higher) wages locally, the shop owner lives locally. With Wal-Mart, most of that profit is immediately funneled out of that community, straight into the pockets of the CEO's or to places like China.

Do you people understand the words "Massive Economic Extraction"? It's not just happening on a national level as your bankers rob the people, it's been happening on a local level for decades.

If you are buying at these massive corporate stores, you are responsible for the continued economic extraction of your country, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

And to those calling themselves "Republican" and therefore supporting "Capitalism" you should know that Capitalism was dead and buried when your government bailed out the first failed corporation. Are people so ridiculously loyal to some party that they fail to think for themselves? You all say how disgusting Socialism and Communism is (which is laughable, considering bailouts for the banks is corporate socialism!), but you check out some videos of people in those countries defending their party like brainwashed lunatics and then watch a documentary about Americans, waving their flags like sheep and proclaiming undying love to their nation and their PARTY - even when the fundamental aspects of that party are in conflict with their own common sense.

Seriously people, what kind of delusion are you repeating to yourself? No wonder America is in the mess that it's in when so many of you don't even seem to understand the most simple facts of global markets and economics, and you certainly don't seem to be able to think for yourselves and disagree with your PARTY.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by jaynkeel
But what about all the poor people in china? They would all be out of a job then we would be even more evil than when we "made" them work for pennies a day making the crap we buy. Seems like a catch 22 to me. Perhaps even puts the blame back on the people who are willing to work for such low costs and their governments for allowing it to happen in the first place. Gee maybe the people who are being "slaved"out should group together and change things, I bet if they had a union they'd be all peachy!!!! End sarcasam.
Back to reality I am all for bringing the jobs back home, but as little as those people do make you do have to take into account that they would lose all that money that we give them, but perhaps it would be for the better then they would see how they were getting screwed and vow to not let it happen again. Definitely a touchy situation to say the least.

Outsourcing not only undermines local economies, but also economies in both countries in the long term. In the short term, ending this practice would hurt the Chinese poor, BUT in the longer run it would be the benefit of their economy. Remember, they won't loose any infrastructure and would still have the raw materials needed.

Also, a tariff could be introduced in a gradual fashion for the benefit of both sides.

This is just one idea. The point is, people need to start doing something to help fix the income gap, first by educating themselves and others I suppose because the biggest enemy is complacency and ignorance.

The fact that it is cheaper to have other people in another economy, make our products instead of employing our own workers, then ships those products over the largest ocean, is classic backwards crony capitalism. A system that produces that result is a dumb one for all of humanity, and a smart one for a small number of people.
edit on 14-12-2011 by CREAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by baddmove

to tired to argue with you now... and i like you...

Good I'm too tired for it as well, and thanks. The feeling is now mutual. I actually completely understand the feeling that it isn't fair for some to hoard gobs of money while many struggle to put food on the table. I think my comments came out as combative (I need to work on that) but I really am interested in what you would actually consider a good solution.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
What a hell of a lot of economic noobs in here don't realize, is that an economy only thrives through small business and enterprise. Having 50 small stores in a high street will create jobs for maybe 250 people, one small Wal-Mart can take away those 50 stores, and how many people would that Wal-Mart employ, and what wage will those people be earning? Then, those 50 small businesses invest back into that community too. They buy their stock from other local businesses, their employees spend their (higher) wages locally, the shop owner lives locally. With Wal-Mart, most of that profit is immediately funneled out of that community, straight into the pockets of the CEO's or to places like China. Do you people understand the words "Massive Economic Extraction"? It's not just happening on a national level as your bankers rob the people, it's been happening on a local level for decades. If you are buying at these massive corporate stores, you are responsible for the continued economic extraction of your country, and you should be ashamed of yourself. And to those calling themselves "Republican" and therefore supporting "Capitalism" you should know that Capitalism was dead and buried when your government bailed out the first failed corporation. Are people so ridiculously loyal to some party that they fail to think for themselves? You all say how disgusting Socialism and Communism is (which is laughable, considering bailouts for the banks is corporate socialism!), but you check out some videos of people in those countries defending their party like brainwashed lunatics and then watch a documentary about Americans, waving their flags like sheep and proclaiming undying love to their nation and their PARTY - even when the fundamental aspects of that party are in conflict with their own common sense. Seriously people, what kind of delusion are you repeating to yourself? No wonder America is in the mess that it's in when so many of you don't even seem to understand the most simple facts of global markets and economics, and you certainly don't seem to be able to think for yourselves and disagree with your PARTY.

Amen, people are going crazy.

First thing is people need to get mad and speak up everywhere. Weird some people in ATS don't seem comfortable getting mad. But it's also common for rape victims to blame themselves.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 10:39 PM

But this comparison of wealth desn't show us quite what Mr. Goldberg thinks it does. If you've no debts and have $10 in your pocket you have more wealth than 25% of Americans. More than that 25% of Americans have collectively that is. That a family who have inherited the majority of one of the leading global retailers have more wealth than the bottom 30% of Americans, when compared with how high up the tree a single ten dollar bill gets you, is pretty much worthy of a heartfelt "Meh".

I like the end of the article.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by Domo1

But this comparison of wealth desn't show us quite what Mr. Goldberg thinks it does. If you've no debts and have $10 in your pocket you have more wealth than 25% of Americans. More than that 25% of Americans have collectively that is. That a family who have inherited the majority of one of the leading global retailers have more wealth than the bottom 30% of Americans, when compared with how high up the tree a single ten dollar bill gets you, is pretty much worthy of a heartfelt "Meh".

I like the end of the article.

Yeah, that clears up some distortions of stats. But the fact that 30% of Americans are worth less than something should tell you the same thing as the original point. America is messed up and needs fixing or else we are all screwed.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by CREAM

I would tend to agree. Your avatar surprised me I thought your post hadn't showed up I was looking for the old one. One of my big issues is that people are lent money, they can't pay t back, then the govt. bails out. The fact that owning a $10 bill and no debt makes you rich is..... sad.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Domo1

But this comparison of wealth desn't show us quite what Mr. Goldberg thinks it does. If you've no debts and have $10 in your pocket you have more wealth than 25% of Americans. More than that 25% of Americans have collectively that is. That a family who have inherited the majority of one of the leading global retailers have more wealth than the bottom 30% of Americans, when compared with how high up the tree a single ten dollar bill gets you, is pretty much worthy of a heartfelt "Meh".

I like the end of the article.

In reality the end of the article falls apart. Go ahead and apply the entire thig to your real life. Do you have tons of debt? Would you feel meh about a 10 dollar bill and no debt compared to more wealth than 30% of the population and no debt?

I know where I would rather be and meh is about as far from my feeling on it as one could get. It reads a lot like a Frank Luntz notebook.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by jaynkeel
I can relate to his feelings of not having enough but it's what you have that counts in life, not what you don't have.

When people place importance on money to invest in people/technology knowing that they will have unwarranted or even uncomprehended reciprocation of such investment makes the "be happy with what you have" rhetoric kind of a complacent and submissive mantra...doesn't it?

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being pleased with what one has...grateful even. But sustaining one's lot in life requires such an acknowledgment to be not the "end all be all" acknowledgment.

Just sayin'...

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 05:54 AM

Six Waltons Have More Wealth Than the Bottom 30 % of Americans(wal-mart)

So what. Their family earned it. We have no right to take it from them simply because they have more than we do. That's called THEFT and it's not justice. If you want to be rich like that, then come up with something like the Waltons did and EARN your own dynasty.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 06:45 AM
Why is it any of your business how much money someone else has?

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:12 PM
I've come to realize that there will always be people both richer and poorer than me. And I'm ok with that.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:24 PM
It used to be that when you saw someone wealthy you looked up to that person, you thought if I work hard , educate myself and do good work maybe one day I can be successful like that person. That was the American dream.

Now people look down on wealthy people , that somehow they dont deserve what they have and it's not fair you don't have it too.

America has become infested with entitled spoiled brats that want all the rewards without any of the sacrifice. Guess what? Most of these wealthy people were very very SMART and DRIVEN. The majority of Americans aren't those things.

While most spent their youth screwing around these people were planning for the future, not partying, studying, not having kids, staying out of trouble. They saw value in sacrificing some youth for this future, this separates them from most of America. They did everything they could do to put themselves in the right position at the right time and no matter the economy these types of people will be successful.
edit on 15-12-2011 by drock905 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Mena Arkansas

People don't realize the significance of these ultra wealthy corporations and their ties to Arkansas and in particular the Customs Free Airport in Mena, Arkansas.

Long story short is this was created by Bill Clinton to permit massive volumes of freight to enter the US without the scrutiny of US Customs.

Why you might ask ? And what do Wal-mart and J.B. Hunt Trucking have to do with it ?

Not only do cheap electronics originate in China but also China White Heroin.

The American CIA, after all, are the security force worldwide protecting the assets and oilfields of the Rockefellers. So it should come as no surprise that ethnic Chinese, the Riady Family, suddenly got big in Arkansas. A money laundry vehicle has been Stephen & Co., the Rockefeller-linked bond house, second only to Wall Street, headquartered in Little Rock.
In the 1980s, the CIA was shipping through the southern states, guns to Central America, and return trips of dope. Some originating in Colombia and a few other places. It was centered around a small community in western Arkansas, Mena, and the Mena Airport.

Wal-Mart and J.B. Hunt Transport Services. Where did the funding come from in the 1980s, for them to get so big? If you think they spread out simply because they are clever, then you are a firm believer in fairy tales. In simple terms, the backward state of Arkansas, controlled by the Rockefellers, with Rockefeller-agent calling himself "Bill Clinton" (or whatever his real name is), became the shuttle point for the Red Chinese in America.

I will leave it at that.
Wal Mart is part of a much bigger operation to put it mildly. Think of the sheer number of containers coming from China and arriving in the US on a daily basis ?

Do your own research because the Truth is out there....

edit on 15-12-2011 by nh_ee because: Live Free or Die

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 07:51 PM
A wise person once told me this...

If nothing changes....

nothing changes....

think about it....

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