posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 02:09 AM
That was the northrop x-47b. I'm 99% sure it was. This might clear it up a little,
It tells you where it's going to, paxs nas, which is on the east coast.
There is two of these built and this one was being moved... I have a picture of me in front of one. We were there for the presentation/demo. Been
there and got the shirt, literally. I wish I could post my picture of it and I, and these coins we bought, engraved with the plane on the front and a
Pratt and Whitney thing on the back. To bad I can't upload from my iPad. Anyways The joke is that it actually was a ufo being trucked, Sarcastically
of course. Fox news did covered it pretty well back when I went to the demo. Oh and there's boeing's x-45a, x-45b, and x-45c , similar to the
Northrop x-47b, oh and
there's the Northrop x-47a Pegasus also. AeroVironment's global observer(hydrogen powered, canceled too) nano hummingbird, and phantom eye(possibly
boeing's/aeroVironments, unclear on who's it is) are three other uavs' to mention. Thats quite a few autonomous ucas. Probably all carrier capable
too. Positive theres more ucas but im to lazy to search at the moment. Im also sure there's more info on the Internet/wiki for those interested.
When I went to the demo I was wondering why would we display this to the public? Then I figured we probably have some thing better up our sleeve.