posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 07:45 PM
I can't say I've ever read her books so I'm only going on what is in these interviews. I can see some of what she means in terms of being
self-sacrificial and how that can be very damaging but I mean in the personal sense and not in the political sense, particularly as it pertains
sometimes to women.
That being said, it seems to me her view of looking at the world would be a very sad and disturbing way to go through life. I am refering for instance
to her comment that she doesn't look to the stars in wonder, she doesn't even look at the stars, nor does she want to. What she looks at in wonder
are man-made sky-scrapers. She certainly seems to put the mind and the power of the mind and science on a pedestal, but how did the mind come to be,
it is logical to conclude that a intelligent creative designer put all those hundreds of millions of neuro-transmitters together in such a fashion
that it actually works. Humans didn't do that, but she would find that illogical.
She refers to the mentally deficient or 'retarded' as sub-human and values the 'gifted' over and above the 'ungifted'. I'm assuming she
believes in eugenics. Funny that you have so many people with high IQ's and talented gifts yet they often can't see the forest for the trees. So
called simple or ungifted people can have more wisdom in thier brains that the most highly educated.Eugenics is very dangerous territory indeed.
Did she approve the wiping out of indigenous cultures and the 'primitive jungle cultures' in order to make way for so-called civilization? If she
did then she was a psychologically disturbed woman.
As far as her wanting small government, I suppose she approves of the elderly being thrown out into the streets as well as the disabled and poor
people, and no medicare either of course. That is a cold and callous philosophy.
If she did collect social security herself and hide the fact then that really is the height of hypocrisy, though I wouldn't blame her for collecting
it like many others to keep a roof over ones head. It has been earned hasn't it.
Her reasoning concerning belief in God is illogical. And scientists are basically studying that which has already been created or put into
I actually felt rather sad for this woman.