posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 09:10 AM
I have been searching for something that most of us can agree about. It has been hard to find a point to which both the left and the right can agree.
I think Lawrence Lessig has found that point. The one thing many of us seem to agree about is that money buys results in congress.
This video is from the Tavis Smiley program on PBS and is an interview with Lawrence Lessig about this issue.
The Harvard law professor and author of Republic Lost, Lawrence Lessig, discusses the OWS and Tea Party movements and explains how Washington's
distorted focus on raising campaign funds impacts America.
Key points - this is a problem on both the right and the left!
75% of Americans believe money buys results in congress!
The only people that politicians pay much attention to is the people who max out their contributions, which is .05% of all people.
Basically his message is that Congress has been distorted by the issues that drive their fund raising campains. The congress should be dependant and
responsive to the people alone. Somewhere along the line we have allowed congress to develop another dependency - the dependency of money and their
responsiveness to their funders.
Well, I wont give away all the details.
In my opinion he has many good points... have a listen and lets discuss.