posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 10:45 PM
I believe that at a certain point in the song they are referring to Tesla and the TONS of patents that he drew up from his own imagination, so his
diary claims. ( I think this guy was from somewhere else or he was in contact with something that is like a conscience from somewhere else)
So these patents are wild right? Like: how to transmit energy over several miles at a fairly low cost, and you can put a meter on it. This guy who was
called J. P. Morgan (You know it! The monopoly guy) financed all of these genius ideas from Tesla. Give people power, industrial machinery, anywhere,
at a competitive price! Bingo! J.P. Morgan had come up with his own perpetual money machine. Monopoly! (Not the game an actual monopoly)
Tesla on the other hand, kept other gems in his collection of godlike ideas/inspirations like a free energy system using the ionosphere as the source
of power and then transmit this free wireless energy through where you needed it and then back to the earth it returns. Energy is never wasted it's
only transformed. Like when you borrow from a bank! NOT!
I mean there is no interest. More like borrowing a cup of sugar from your neighbour to
make a pie and then giving him a slice because it's good!
Tesla refused tot put a meter on this invention! Tesla wasn't a sold out human. So, that made Mr Morgan very mad and furious! So he disowned Tesla
from his company and cut his supply of money. He burned down his life' work and casted a shadow on this man so dark that despite Tesla's attempt to
bounce back, it only resulted in having "investors" turn their backs on his GENIUS and HUMANITY. He died alone and ridiculed.*Sniff Tesla*
Of course Tesla will win. His conscientiousness will resonate in the soul humanity forever. Only an apocalypse can kill this much "should be" common
sense. Please look into it people, Tesla is the man!